Groundwater Bulletins

Groundwater Bulletins is a series of 201 reports published from 1950 to 1965. They have all been digitized and published below. Bulletins typically present the results of long-term or extensive investigations, often covering a large region or county. Topics include well records, geology and groundwater resources, but are not limited to groundwater themes. All are out of print but they've been scanned & published here electronically. To find a specific Bulletin on this web page, click inside the Search Table box and enter a keyword or phrase.

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Bulletins listed by Number:

Number Report Title Published
5001 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Houston District, Texas 1950
5003 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Walker County, Texas 1950
5004 Development of Ground Water for Irrigation in the Dell City Area, Hudspeth County, Texas
Geologic Map Showing Recorded Wells in the Dell City Area, Hudspeth County, Texas
5101 Water Supply of the Houston Gulf Coast Region 1951
5102 Summary of the Development of Ground Water for Irrigation in the Lobo Flats Area, Culberson and Jeff Davis Counties, Texas 1951
5103 Ground-Water Resources of Parker County, Texas 1951
5104 Development of Wells for Irrigation and Fluctuation of Water Levels in the High Plains of Texas to January 1951 1951
5201 The Houston District, Texas, Pumpage and Decline of Artesian Pressure During 1950-51 1952
5202 Summary of Ground-Water Development in the Pecos Area, Reeves and Ward Counties, Texas 1947-51 1952
5203 Winter Garden District Dimmit and Zavala Counties and Eastern Maverick County, Texas 1952
5204 Ground-Water Resources in the Vicinity of Kenmore Farms, Kendall County, Texas 1952
5205 Texas Index of Surface Water Records 1882-1951 Discharge, Sediment, Chemical Quality, Water Temperature 1952
5206 Results of Artificial Recharge of the Ground-Water Reservoir at El Paso, Texas 1952
5207 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Lynn County, Texas 1952
5208 Water Resources of Waller County, Texas 1952
5209 Groundwater Resources of Starr County, Texas 1952
5210 Ground-Water Resources of Ector County, Texas 1952
5301 Ground-Water Resources of the Odell Sand Hills Wilbarger County, Texas 1953
5302 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Hale County, Texas 1910-1953 1953
5303 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Lubbock County, Texas 1936-1953 1953
5304 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Floyd County, Texas 1913-1953 1953
5305 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Deaf Smith County, Texas 1914-1953 1953
5306 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Lamb County, Texas, 1914-1953 1953
5307 Records of Water-level Measurements in Swisher County, Texas 1914-1953 1953
5401 Pumpage of Ground Water and Decline of Artesian Pressure in the Houston District, Texas, During 1951 and 1952 1954
5402 Summary of Ground-Water Development in the Southern High Plains, Texas 1954
5403 Ground-Water Resources of Cameron County, Texas 1954
5404 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Dallam, Hansford, Hartley, Hutchinson, Moore, Ochiltree, and Sherman Counties, Texas 1954
5405 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Martin County, Texas 1936-1953 1954
5406 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Bailey, Briscoe, Castro, Parmer, Potter, and Randall Counties, Texas 1954
5407 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Cochran, Crosby, Gaines, Hockley, Lynn, and Terry Counties, Texas 1954
5408 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Loving and Ward Counties, Texas 1954
5409 Salt Water and its Relation to Fresh Ground Water in Harris County, Texas 1954
5410 Ground-Water Development in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 1953 1954
5411 Groundwater Resources of Tom Green County, Texas 1954
5412 Ground-Water Resources of the San Antonio Area, Texas 1954
5413 Records of Wells in Bastrop County, Texas
Map of Bastrop County, Texas, Showing Location of Water Wells and Springs
5414 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Reeves County, Texas 1954
5415 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Culberson, Hudspeth, and Jeff Davis Counties, Texas 1954
5416 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Atascosa and Frio Counties, Texas 1954
5417 Records of Water-Level Measurements in El Paso County, Texas 1954
5418 Ground Water Resources of Jones County, Texas 1954
5501 Records of Wells in Hays County, Texas
Map of Hays County, Texas Showing Locations of Wells and Springs
5502 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Galveston County, Texas 1955
5503 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Haskell and Knox Counties, Texas 1955
5601 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Medina County, Texas 1956
5602 Pumpage of Ground Water and Changes in Artesian Pressure in the Houston District and Baytown-La Porte Area, Texas, 1953-55 1956
5603 Ground-Water Resources of the El Paso District, Texas 1956
5604 Ground-Water Resources of the Crane Sandhills, Crane County, Texas 1956
5605 Basic Data and Summary of Ground-Water Resources of Chambers County, Texas 1956
5606 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Bexar County, Texas 1956
5607 Water-Level Decline Maps of 17 Counties in the Southern High Plains, Texas 1956
5608 Vol 1 Ground-Water Resources of the San Antonio Area, a progress report on current studies 1956
5608 Vol 2 Part 1 Ground-Water Resources of the San Antonio Area, Records of Wells and Springs 1956
5608 Vol 2 Part 2 Ground-Water Resources of the San Antonio Area, Texas, Records of Drillers' Logs 1956
5608 Vol 2 Part 3 Ground-Water Resources of the San Antonio Area, Texas 1956
5609 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Medina County, Texas 1956
5610 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Comal and Guadalupe Counties, Texas 1956
5611 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Kinney, Uvalde and Val Verde Counties, Texas 1929 to March 1956 1956
5612 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Hays, Travis, and Williamson Counties, Texas 1956
5613 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Childress, Cottle, Hardeman, and King Counties, Texas 1956
5614 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Foard and Wilbarger Counties, Texas 1956
5615 Ground-Water Resources of the Hueco Bolson, Northeast of El Paso, Texas 1956
5617 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Dimmit, Maverick, and Zavala Counties, Texas 1956
5701 Artificial-Recharge Experiments at McDonald Well Field, Amarillo, Texas 1957
5702 Records of Water Levels in Bastrop and Caldwell Counties, Texas 1937 through December 1956 1957
5703 Records of Water Levels in Aransas and San Patricio Counties, Texas 1957
5704 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Lamb County, Texas 1957
5705 Water Level Decline Maps, 1956 to 1957, and Water Levels in Observation Wells in 20 Counties in the Southern High Plains, Texas 1957
5706 The Use of Ground Water for Irrigation in Childress County, Texas 1957
5707 Water Level Maps and Water Levels in Observation Wells in the North High Plains, Texas 1957
5708 Records of Wells in Travis County, Texas 1957
5709 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Tarrant County, Texas 1957
5710 Groundwater Geology of Wilson County, Texas (Second Printing 1975) 1957
5711 Ground-Water Resources of Goliad County, Texas 1957
5712 Ground-Water Geology of the Alpine Area, Brewster, Jeff Davis, and Presidio Counties, Texas 1957
5801 Ground-Water Geology in the Vicinity of Dove and Croton Creeks, Stonewall, Kent, Dickens, and King Counties, Texas 1958
5802 Ground-Water Conditions in Carson County, Texas 1958
5803 Groundwater Geology of Real County, Texas 1958
5804 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Jackson, Matagorda, and Wharton Counties, Texas, 1934 to April 1958 1958
5805 Pumpage of Ground Water and Fluctuations of Water Levels in the Houston District and the Baytown-LaPorte Area, Texas, 1955-57 1958
5806 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Collingsworth, Hemphill, and Wheeler Counties, Texas 1937 through July1958 1958
5807A Part 1 | Part 2 Compilation of Surface Water Records in Texas through September 1957 1958
5807 B Index of Surface Water Records 1882- 1957 1958
5807 C Summary of Peak Flood Flow Measurements and Other Measurements of Stream Discharge in Texas at Points Other than Gaging Stations 1959
5807 D Channel Gain and Loss Investigations Texas Streams 1918-1958 1960
5807 E Texas Stream-Gaging Program: Evaluation and Recommendations 1960
5808 Pumpage of Ground Water and Changes in Water Levels in Galveston County, Texas, 1952-57 1958
5901 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Chambers, Liberty and Montgomery Counties, Texas, 1931 through April 1958 1959
5902 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Bell, McLennan, and Somervell Counties, Texas 1930-1957 1959
5903 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Crockett, Glasscock, Reagan, Upton, and Terrell Counties 1959
5904 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Waller Counties, Texas 1931 through June 1958 1959
5905 Chemical Composition of Texas Surface Waters, 1956 1959
5906 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Crane and Midland Counties, Texas 1937 through 1957 1959
5907 Records of Water-Level Measurements in Mitchell, Nolan, Sterling, and Tom Green Counties, Texas 1938 through 1957 1959
5908 Water-Level Measurements and Maps Southern High Plains, Texas 1958 through 1959 1959
5909 Water-Level Measurements and Maps Northern High Plains, Texas 1958 and 1959 1959
5910 Water Requirements Survey 1959
5911 Ground-water Geology for Bexar County, Texas 1959
5912 Inventory and Use of Sedimentation Data in Texas 1959
5913 Texas Index of Meteorological Data 1959
5914 A Study of Droughts in Texas 1959
5915 Chemical Composition of Texas Surface Waters, 1957 1959
5916 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Winkler County, Texas 1959
6001 Surface Runoff from Texas Watersheds and Sub-basins map 1: Areas of watersheds & major sub-basins
map 2: runoff from watersheds & major sub-basins
6002 Brine Production and Disposal on the Lower Watershed of Chambers and Richland Creeks, Navarro County, Texas 1960
6003 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Dimmit County, Texas (Second Printing 1975) 1960
6004 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Hays County, Texas 1960
6005 Water-Level Measurements in Culberson, Hudspeth, and Jeff Davis Counties, Texas 1960
6006 Monthly Reservoir Evaporation Rates for Texas 1940-1957 1960
6007 Ground-Water Geology of Karnes County, Texas 1960
6008 Water Levels in Observation Wells in Cameron, Hidalgo, and Starr Counties 1950-1959 1960
6009 Water Levels in Observation Wells in Haskell and Knox Counties, Texas 1956-1960 1960
6010 Ground-Water Resources of the Hale County, Texas 1960
6011 Water Levels in Observation Wells Southern High Plains, Texas 1959 and 1960 1960
6012 Water Levels in Observation Wells Northern High Plains, Texas 1958-1960 1960
6013 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Grayson County, Texas 1960
6014 Vol 1 Ground-Water Resources of the Lower Rio Grande Valley Area, Texas 1961
6014 Vol 2 Ground-Water Resources of the Lower Rio Grande Valley Area, Texas 1961
6015 Water Levels in Observation Wells in Atascosa and Frio Counties, Texas 1955-1960 1960
6016 Reconnaissance Investigation of the Ground Water Resources of the Canadian River Basin, Texas 1960
6017 Ground-Water Geology of the Hickory Sandstone Member of the Riley Formation, McCulloch County, Texas 1961
6018 Irrigation in Texas in 1958 1960
6019 Consumptive Use of Water by Major Crops in Texas (Second Printing 1960) 1960
6101 Water Levels in Observation Wells Southern High Plains, Texas 1960 and 1961 1961
6102 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Carson County and Part of Gray County, Texas, Progress Report No.1 1961
6103 Annual Water-Level Measurements in Observation Wells Northern High Plains, Texas 1960 and 1961 1961
6104 Chemical Composition of Texas Surface Waters, 1958 1961
6105 Groundwater Geology of Live Oak County, Texas 1961
6106 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Pecos County, Texas 1961
6107 A Summary of the Occurrence and Development of Ground Water in the Southern High Plains of Texas 1961
6108 Silt Load of Texas Streams: a Compilation Report June 1889-September 1959 1961
6109 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Northern High Plains of Texas 1961
6110 Ground-Water Reconnaissance of the Marfa Area, Presidio County, Texas 1961
6111 A Reconnaissance of the Ground-Water Resources of the Marathon Area, Brewster County, Texas 1961
6201 Recharge, Discharge, and Changes in Ground-Water Storage in the Edwards and Associated Limestones San Antonio Area, Texas. A Progress Report on Studies, 1955-59 1962
6202 Ground-Water Resources of Victoria and Calhoun Counties, Texas 1962
6203 Ground-Water Resources of the Lower Mesilla Valley, Texas and New Mexico plates 1962
6204 Description of Ground Water in the El Paso District, Texas, 1955-60 1962
6205 Chemical Composition of Texas Surface Waters, 1959 1962
6206 Research in the Problem of Scaling of Electrodialysis Demineralizers 1962
6207 Water-Level Measurements through 1962 in Selected Observation Wells, Southern High Plains, Texas 1962
6208 Ground-Water Geology of Edwards County, Texas 1962
6209 Ground-Water Resources of Haskell and Knox Counties, Texas 1962
6210 Ground-Water Geology of Bandera County, Texas 1962
6211 Pumpage of Ground Water and Fluctuation of Water Levels in the Houston District and the Baytown-LaPorte Area, Texas, 1957-61 1962
6212 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Uvalde County, Texas 1962
6213 Annual Water-Level Measurements in Observation Wells Northern High Plains, Texas 1961 and 1962 1962
6214 Vol 1 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Reeves County, Texas (Second Printing 1972) 12 oversize Map Plates 1962
6214 Vol 2 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Reeves County, Texas 1962
6215 Chemical Composition of Texas Surface Waters, 1960
Map: Quality-of-Water stations 1960
6216 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Kinney County, Texas 1962
6301 Availability of Ground Water from the Goliad Sand in the Alice Area, Texas 1963
6302 Availability and Quality of Ground Water in Smith County, Texas 1963
6303 Pumpage of Ground Water and Changes in Water Levels in Galveston County, Texas, 1958-62 1963
6304 Chemical Composition of Texas Surface Waters, 1961
Plate 1 Quality- of- Water stations, 1961
6305 Reconnaissance Investigation of the Ground-Water Resources of the Gulf Coast Region, Texas 1963
6306 Reconnaissance Investigation of the Ground-Water Resources of the Red River, Sulphur River, and Cypress Creek Basins, Texas 1963
6307 Reconnaissance Investigation of the Ground-Water Resources of the Sabine River Basin, Texas 1963
6308 Reconnaissance Investigation of the Ground-Water Resources of the Neches River Basin, Texas 1963
6309 Reconnaissance Investigation of the Ground-Water Resources of the Trinity River Basin, Texas (Second printing 1973)
Book of Oversize map plates is being scanned
6310 Reconnaissance Investigation of the Ground-Water Resources of the Brazos River Basin, Texas 1973
6311 Floods in Texas, Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Flows plate 1: Map showing gaging stations and floor-frequency regions
Plate 2: Map showing gaging stations and hydrologic areas
6312 Ground-Water Resources for Refugio County, Texas 1963
6401 Research on Evaporation Retardation in Small Reservoirs 1958-63 1964
6402 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Carson County and Part of Gray County, Texas 1964
6403 Fifty Years of Water Development in Texas 1964
6404 Conservation Storage Reservoirs in Texas Some Aspects and Chronology of Surface-Water Resources Development 1964
6405 Reconnaissance of the Chemical Quality of Surface waters of the Sabine River Basin Texas and Louisiana 1964
6406 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Hardin County, Texas 1964
6407 Base-Flow Studies Pedernales River, Texas 1964
6408 Dams and Reservoirs in Texas Historical & Descriptive Info 1964
6409 Reconnaissance Investigation of the Ground-Water Resources of the Guadalupe, San Antonio, and Nueces River Basins, Texas 1964
6410 Suspended-Sediment Load of Texas Streams Compilation Report, October 1959-September 1961 1964
6411 Chemical Quality of Surface Waters in the Hubbard Creek Watershed, Texas, Progress Report, September 1963 1964
6412 Occurrence and Quality of Ground Water in Stephens County, Texas 1964
6413 Water-Supply Limitations on Irrigation from the Rio Grande in Starr, Hidalgo, Cameron, and Willacy Counties, Texas 1964
6413A Appendices to Bulletin 6413 (Water-Supply Limitations on Irrigation from the Rio Grande in Starr, Hidalgo, Cameron, and Willacy Counties, Texas) 1965
6414 Analysis of Unit Hydrographs for Small Watersheds in Texas 1964
6415 Occurrence and Quality of Ground Water in Young County, Texas 1964
6501 Chemical Composition of Texas Surface Waters, 1962 1965
6502 Reconnaissance Investigations of the Ground-Water Resources of the Rio Grande Basin, Texas 1965
6503 Base-Flow Studies, Guadalupe River Comal County, Texas 1965
6504 The Current Status of Weather Modification A Summary - 1964 1965
6505 Base-Flow Studies Llano River, Texas 1965
6506 Base-Flow Studies Lampasas River, Texas 1965
6507 Water-Level Data From Observation Wells in Pecos and Reeves Counties, Texas 1965
6508 Analog Model Study of Ground Water in the Houston District, Texas 1965
6509 Water-Delivery Study Nueces River, Texas, Quantity and Quality, August 1963 1965
6510 Base-flow Studies San Gabriel River, Texas, Quantity and Quality, March 16-18, 1964
Plate 1 Map of the San Gabriel River watershed
6511 Base-flow Studies Cibolo Creek, Texas, Quantity and Quality, March 5-7, 1963
plate 1 Map of discharge measurements & river channel geology, Cibolo creek 1963
6512 Symposium on Consideration of Droughts in Water Planning 1965
6513 Availability and Quality of Ground Water in Leon County, Texas 1965
6514 Development of Ground Water in the El Paso District, Texas, 1960-63 1965
6515 Inventory of Texas Irrigation 1965
6516 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Orange County, Texas (Second Printing 1970) 1965
6517 Ground-Water Resources of Camp, Franklin, Morris and Titus Counties, Texas (Second Printing 1975) 1965
6518 Ground-Water Resources of DeWitt County, Texas 1965
6519 Ground-Water Resources of Menard County, Texas (Second Printing 1970) 1965
6520 Ground-Water Resources of La Salle and McMullen Counties, Texas plates 1965
6521 Investigation of Ground-Water Contamination, Rhineland Area Knox County, Texas 1965