Flood Planning Useful Links and Resources

Yellow sign saying Area Closed Flooding in front of flooded road.

TWDB Rules

Texas Government Code

Flood Technical Advisory Group (FTAG)

The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) established a Flood Technical Advisory Group (FTAG) to provide technical advice related to the TWDB’s new statewide flood science and planning efforts in early 2020. The purpose of the group is to provide TWDB with outside technical expertise as a resource generally related to regional flood planning, data collection, mapping, and modeling, and other flood-related topics as needed.

FTAG members are selected by the TWDB and are asked to serve as unpaid technical resources for a period of approximately one year that may be extended. The following individuals are currently serving as FTAG members:

  • Duke Altman, Doucet & Associates
  • Curtis Beitel, Walker Partners, LLC
  • Michael Bloom, 5engineering, LLC
  • Cindy Engelhardt, Halff Associates
  • Steve Graham, San Antonio River Authority
  • Ataul Hannan, Harris County Flood Control District
  • Krista Melnar, Freese & Nichols
  • David Walker, Lower Colorado River Authority

For more information regarding FTAG, please see the FTAG Working Operational Guidelines. Please contact Reem Zoun at reem.zoun@twdb.texas.gov, floodplanning@twdb.texas.gov, or Saul Nuccitelli at saul.nuccitelli@twdb.texas.gov with any questions.