Regional Water Planning Data Entry Application Training Videos

The guidance below on the Regional Water Planning Data Entry Application has been broken into short videos covering specific topics. These may be viewed individually on an as needed basis, or all together for users to become acquainted with the application.

The "Number" column indicates the recommended viewing order if all videos will be watched together, and is intended to mimic the flow of data in the application.

Additionally, users may sort the table by clicking any of the column headers or use the search box to filter video titles by a certain keyword.

Clicking a hyperlinked title will open a viewer where a user may click the play button and begin watching the video. Buttons for closed captioning, volume, and full screen mode display in the bottom right hand corner of the viewer when the cursor is hovered over the video player. Clicking the browser's "back" button will return a user to the training video home page.

Disclaimer: Data used in videos is for training purposes only, and situations shown may not reflect reality. Videos 2 through 33 were created using the 2022 version of the Regional Water Planning Data Entry application. The 2027 version of the application did not change significantly. Updates to that version are documented in training video #1 named “RWP DB27 Orientation” at the 4:10-minute mark.

Number Title Type Length
1 RWP DB27 Orientation Overview 16:52
2 Updating User Access Overview 02:31
3 Overview and Layout Overview 03:00
4 Applying Filters Overview 02:31
5 Viewing Source Data Source 01:55
6 Submitting a Source Request Source 02:33
7 Removing Sources Source 01:47
8 Entering Availability for MAG and Partial MAG Sources Source 02:50
9 Entering Availability for Reservoirs and Reservoir Systems Source 03:15
10 Entering Availability for Future Only Sources Source 03:24
11 Viewing Entity Data Entity 03:05
12 Editing Entity Direct Source Volume-In Entity 05:13
13 Editing Entity Sales and Transfers Entity 07:31
14 Editing Entity Existing WUG Supply Entity 05:13
15 Viewing WMS Data WMS 04:32
16 How to Name a WMS or Project WMS 02:26
17 Creating a WMS Project WMS 03:06
18 Creating a WMS Group WMS 04:00
19 Creating an Availability Increase Strategy WMS 05:12
20 Creating an Existing Availability Strategy WMS 05:46
21 Creating an Availability Decrease Strategy WMS 05:41
22 Creating an Existing Surplus Strategy WMS 04:55
23 Creating a Demand Reduction Strategy WMS 06:55
24 Creating a Demand Reduction Strategy with a Water Transfer WMS 05:31
25 Creating a Supply Reduction by WUG Strategy WMS 05:21
26 Creating a Supply Reduction by WWP Customers Strategy WMS 06:12
27 Adding and Updating WMS WUG Supply WMS 08:54
28 Relating Projects to Water Management Strategies WMS 06:22
29 Reviewing Data Checks Data Checks 05:28
30 Ways WSSA Can Help Tips and Tricks 01:52
31 Importing and Exporting Data Tips and Tricks 03:59
32 Using Water Supply Data Entry Shortcut Buttons Tips and Tricks 06:14
33 Entering Conservation Pool Data Tips and Tricks 03:13