2007 State Water Plan

The 2007 State Water Plan was adopted by the Board on November 14, 2006.

2007 State Water Plan CoverThe state water plan is based on a "bottom-up" consensus-driven approach to water planning that involves 16 regional water planning groups.  Within TWDB guidelines, each regional planning group reviews water use projections and water availability volumes in dry or drought-of-record conditions.  When a water need is identified, the planning groups recommend water management strategies to meet the need.  Once the planning group adopts the regional water plan, the plan is sent to the TWDB for approval.  The TWDB then compiles information from the regional water plans and other sources to develop the state water plan.


Volume 1

Volume 2

2.0 Regional Summaries:


Volume 3

Volume III is a digital version of the 16 regional water plans and a database of the regional water planning information for each water user group in Texas.

2006 Adopted Regional Water Plans | Regional Water Planning Data Database 2007

First draft of the 2007 State Water Plan, which was released for public comments that were due on October 6, 2006. Note: this first draft was super-ceded by the above draft plan, adopted on November 14, 2006.
