Groundwater Management Area 14

Groundwater management area 14 location map

Contact Information

Southeast Texas Groundwater Conservation District
John M. Martin
General Manager
P.O. Box 1407
Jasper, Texas 75951
Telephone: (409) 383-1577
Fax: (409) 383-0799

Regional Water Planning Group Representatives:
Region G: Zack Holland
Region H: TBD
Region I: John Martin

2021 Joint Planning Desired future conditions and modeled available groundwater

Summary of Desired Future Conditions for GMA 14

Summary of Modeled Available Groundwater for GMA 14 by Groundwater Conservation District

Summary of Modeled Available Groundwater for GMA 14 by County

Additional 2021 Joint Planning Documents

Groundwater Conservation Districts (5 either partially or completely included)

  • Bluebonnet Groundwater Conservation District
  • Brazoria County Groundwater Conservation District
  • Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District
  • Lower Trinity Groundwater Conservation District
  • Southeast Texas Groundwater Conservation District

Other Districts

  • Harris-Galveston Subsidence District
  • Fort Bend Subsidence District

Additional Groundwater Conservation District Information

Aquifers(either partially or completely included)

Other Aquifers(determined to be relevant through the desired future conditions process in 2010)

  • Navasota River Alluvium
  • San Bernard River Alluvium
  • San Jacinto River Alluvium
  • Trinity River Alluvium

Component Counties

GMA 14 Reports

ID Date Type Description
GR16-024 MAG 12/15/2016 GAM run - MAG Modeled Available Groundwater for the Gulf Coast Aquifer System in Groundwater Management Area 14
R-365 2/1/2006 TWDB numbered report Aquifers of the Gulf Coast of Texas
R-236 7/1/1979 TWDB numbered report Stratigraphic and Hydrogeologic Framework of Part of the Coastal Plain of Texas
HA-05 1/1/1997 Hydrologic atlas Water Quality in the Sparta Aquifer
HA-06 1/1/1997 Hydrologic atlas Water Quality in the Queen City Aquifer
R-295 10/1/1986 TWDB numbered report Hydrology of the Jasper Aquifer in the Southeast Texas Coastal Plain
B-6406 6/1/1964 Groundwater bulletin Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Hardin County, Texas
B-6516 5/1/1965 Groundwater bulletin Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Orange County, Texas
B-6310 12/1/1973 Groundwater bulletin Reconnaissance Investigation of the Ground-Water Resources of the Brazos River Basin, Texas
R-321 1/1/1990 TWDB numbered report Evaluation of Water Resources of Fort Bend County, Texas
R-283 10/1/1983 TWDB numbered report Development of Ground-Water Resources in Orange County, Texas, and Adjacent Areas, 1971-1980
R-280 9/1/1983 TWDB numbered report Records of Wells, Drillers' Logs, Water-Level Measurements, and Chemical Analyses of Ground Water in Chambers, Liberty, and Montgomery Counties, Texas, 1975-79
R-186 9/1/1974 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Resources of Grimes County, Texas
R-185 9/1/1974 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Resources of Brazos and Burleson Counties, Texas
R-139 12/1/1971 TWDB numbered report Records of Wells, Drillers' Logs, and Chemical Analyses of Ground Water in Galveston County, Texas, 1952-1970
R-136 11/1/1971 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Resources of Montgomery County, Texas
R-059 9/1/1967 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Resources of Jasper and Newton Counties, Texas
R-068 12/1/1967 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Resources of Austin and Waller Counties, Texas
R-072 4/1/1968 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Resources of Liberty County, Texas
R-074 5/1/1968 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Resources of Tyler County, Texas
R-133 8/1/1971 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Resources of Chambers and Jefferson Counties, Texas
R-230 4/1/1979 TWDB numbered report Water Quality of Livingston Reservoir on the Trinity River, Southeastern Texas
R-152 6/1/1972 TWDB numbered report Development of Ground Water in the Houston District, Texas, 1966-69
R-067 12/1/1967 TWDB numbered report Reconnaissance of the Chemical Quality of Surface Waters of the Trinity River Basin, Texas
R-069 12/1/1967 TWDB numbered report Characteristics of Tide-Affected Flow in the Brazos River near Freeport, Texas, March 26-30, 1965
R-090 1/1/1969 TWDB numbered report Quantity and Quality of Low Flow in Sabine and Old Rivers near Orange, Texas, September 12-15, 1967
R-115 4/1/1970 TWDB numbered report Time of Travel of Translatory Waves on the Brazos, Leon and Little Rivers, Texas
R-066 11/1/1967 TWDB numbered report Low-Flow Studies, Sabine and Old Rivers near Orange, Texas, Quantity and Quality, April 12, October 31-November 4, 1966
R-041 3/1/1967 TWDB numbered report Ground Water in the Flood-Plain Alluvium of the Brazos River, Whitney Dam to Vicinity of Richmond, Texas
R-320 1/1/1990 TWDB numbered report Evaluation of Water Resources of Orange and Eastern Jefferson Counties, Texas
R-287 6/1/1984 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Withdrawals and Land-Surface Subsidence in the Houston-Galveston Region, Texas, 1906-80
R-286 4/1/1984 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Withdrawals and Changes in Water Levels in the Houston District, Texas, 1975-79
R-304 11/1/1987 TWDB numbered report Records of Wells, Drillers' Logs, Water-Level Measurements, and Chemical Analyses of Ground Water in Chambers, Liberty, and Montgomery Counties, Texas, 1980-84
American Oil Company 2/1/1958 External report - American Oil Company Refinery Ground Subsidence at Texas City
GMA14_DFC_01 8/25/2010 DFC submission Desired future conditions for the Gulf Coast, Carrizo-Wilcox, Queen City, Sparta, Yegua-Jackson, and River Alluvium aquifers
GR10-025 9/9/2010 GAM run Additional information on the estimated drawdown of the Yegua-Jackson Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 14
GT10-012 9/9/2010 GAM task Predictive simulations for the Yegua-Jackson Aquifer
GR10-023 9/9/2010 GAM run Comparison of pumping simulations to recorded pumping for the Gulf Coast Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 14
GT10-002 8/13/2010 GAM task Review of predictive simulations developed by AECOM for Groundwater Management Area 14
GR10-013_MP 10/4/2011 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Brazos Valley GCD
GR08-087_MP 5/8/2009 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Bluebonnet GCD
GR08-079 4/24/2009 GAM run Predictive simulation for the Gulf Coast Aquifer in Southeast Texas GCD
GR08-079_Add 4/14/2009 GAM run Aquifer and potentiometric thickness information for the Gulf Coast Aquifer in Southeast Texas GCD
GR08-073_MP 12/9/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Brazos Valley GCD
GR08-058_MP 7/23/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Lower Trinity GCD
GR08-036_MP 7/23/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Lone Star GCD
GR08-031_MP 7/22/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Brazoria County GCD
GR06-021 10/12/2006 GAM run Predictive simulation for the Gulf Coast Aquifer in Lower Trinity GCD
GR06-020 10/12/2006 GAM run Predictive simulation for the Gulf Coast Aquifer in Southeast Texas GCD
GR06-007_MP 5/15/2006 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Lower Trinity GCD
GR06-006_MP 4/20/2006 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Southeast Texas GCD
GR11-019_MP 1/31/2012 GAM run - Management Plan Southeast Texas GCD Management Plan
AA10-30_MAG 6/22/2011 Aquifer assessment MAG Managed available groundwater for the Brazos River Alluvium Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 14
AA10-31_MAG 6/22/2011 Aquifer assessment MAG Managed available groundwater for the Navasota River Alluvium Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 14
AA10-32_MAG 6/22/2011 Aquifer assessment MAG Managed available groundwater for the San Bernard River Alluvium Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 14
AA10-34_MAG 6/22/2011 Aquifer assessment MAG Managed available groundwater for the Trinity River Alluvium Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 14
AA10-33_MAG 6/22/2011 Aquifer assessment MAG Managed available groundwater for the San Jacinto River Alluvium Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 14
GR10-038_MAG 11/18/2011 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Gulf Coast Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 14
CR-0904831001 10/31/2011 Contract report Estimation of Groundwater Recharge to the Gulf Coast Aquifer in Texas, USA
GR11-012 8/17/2012 GAM run Modeled Water Budget for the Gulf Coast Aquifer in Montgomery County
CR-1004831113 6/1/2012 Contract report Updating the Hydrogeologic Framework for the Northern Portion of the Gulf Coast Aquifer
CR-0804830795 2/1/2010 Contract report Hydrostratigraphy of the Gulf Coast Aquifer from the Brazos River to the Rio Grande
GR10-054_MAG_Ver2 2/18/2011 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Sparta Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 14
GR10-055_MAG_Ver2 7/9/2012 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Yegua-Jackson Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 14
GR08-080_Ver2 9/23/2009 GAM run Predictive simulation for the Gulf Coast Aquifer in Southeast Texas GCD
GR13-007_MP 2/25/2013 GAM run - Management Plan Management Plan data for Lone Star GCD
GR10-053_MAG_Ver3 7/9/2012 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Queen City Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 14
GR13-028_MP 8/30/2013 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan data for Bluebonnet GCD
GR10-052_MAG_Ver2 11/18/2011 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 14
GR14-006_MP 4/1/2014 GAM run - Management Plan Management Plan data for Lower Trinity GCD
GT13-037_TERS 6/9/2014 GAM task - Total Estimated Recoverable Storage Total Estimated Recoverable Storage for aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 14
GT13-043 11/19/2013 GAM task Review of Houston Area Groundwater Model | USGS SIR 2012-5154
GR16-012_MP 10/31/2016 GAM run - Management Plan Management Plan Information for Southeast Texas GCD
GR16-021_MP 12/5/2016 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Brazoria County GCD
GR17-020_MP 12/15/2017 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Bluebonnet GCD
GR17-023_MP 1/31/2018 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Lone Star GCD
GR19-003_MP 6/27/2019 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Lower Trinity GCD
GR22-002_MP 3/10/2022 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Southeast Texas GCD
GR22-009_MP 8/16/2022 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Brazoria County GCD
GR21-019_MAG 9/8/2022 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the Gulf Coast Aquifer System in Groundwater Management Area 14
GR23-005_MP 06/09/2023 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Bluebonnet GCD
GR24-007_MP 06/28/2024 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Lower Trinity Groundwater Conservation District
GR24-013_MP 12/13/2024 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Lone Star GCD