2021 Joint Groundwater Planning

The 2021 Joint Groundwater Planning was the third round of joint planning in which groundwater conservation districts in groundwater management areas developed desired future conditions for aquifers in the state. Groundwater management areas were required to propose to adopt desired future conditions by May 1, 2021 and adopt final desired future conditions by January 5, 2022. Below are summaries of adopted desired future conditions for each groundwater management area, desired future conditions explanatory report documents submitted by groundwater management areas to the TWDB, and modeled available groundwater summaries, reports, and model files.

For a quick reference on the timeline for 2021 joint groundwater planning, check out this flow chart.

We are working on creating a webpage for the 2026 round of joint groundwater planning. In the meantime, check out this flow chart for the 2026 joint groundwater planning timeline.

Visit the groundwater management areas webpage for further information about each groundwater management area.

Groundwater Management Area 1
Groundwater Management Area 2
Groundwater Management Area 3
Groundwater Management Area 4
Groundwater Management Area 5

There are no groundwater conservation districts in Groundwater Management Area 5.


Groundwater Management Area 6
Groundwater Management Area 7
Groundwater Management Area 8
Groundwater Management Area 9
Groundwater Management Area 10
Groundwater Management Area 11
Groundwater Management Area 12
Groundwater Management Area 13
Groundwater Management Area 14
Groundwater Management Area 15
Groundwater Management Area 16

For additional information about joint groundwater planning, contact Robert Bradley. If you have questions about the modeling files for the modeled available groundwater estimates for a particular groundwater management area, please contact the Groundwater Modeling Department.