Data Services

TWDB data services provide a web-based method for end users to access both tabular and geographic (map) data. To use services in your CAD or GIS software package, please consult the software help or support information.

Groundwater Layers

User note regarding Dynamic Feature Services: A default transfer limit of 1000 records exists for accessing the Groundwater Layers via selecting, drawing, querying, or exporting a local copy, if an entire groundwater dataset is desired, Shapefile downloads are available on the GIS Data

Name Description Type
TWDB Groundwater Data Texas Water Development Board's (TWDB) Groundwater Database. This database contains information on selected water wells, springs, oil/gas tests, water levels and water quality. Dynamic Feature Service
Brackish Groundwater The Brackish Resources Aquifer Characterization System (BRACS) Database stores well and geology information to help characterize the brackish groundwater resources of Texas. This database contains all types of wells (not just brackish water wells) including those in fresh water zones with linked geophysical well logs, aquifer test information, lithology and stratigraphic picks. Dynamic Feature Service
Well Reports Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation's (TDLR) Submitted Driller's Report Database. This database contains water well reports submitted to TDLR from February 2001 to present. Dynamic Feature Service
Plugging Reports Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation's (TDLR) Submitted Driller's Report Database. This database contains plugged water well reports submitted to TDLR from February 2001 to present. Dynamic Feature Service

Base Map Layers

Name Description Type
Geology Rock Unit The Geologic atlas of Texas (GAT). This data set was jointly created by USGS, TxGIO, and the Bureau of Economic Geology. The basic unit in this system of classification is the formation. A formation is a rock unit that has a distinctive appearance--in other words, a geologist can tell it apart from the rock layers around it. Formations must also be thick enough and extensive enough to plot on a map Tile Cached Web Service
Geology Member The Geologic atlas of Texas (GAT). This data set was jointly created by USGS, TxGIO, and the Bureau of Economic Geology. A member is a formal stratigraphic unit next in rank below a formation. It represents some specially developed part of a formation. Tile Cached Web Service
Geology Structure The Geologic atlas of Texas (GAT). This data set was jointly created by USGS, TxGIO, and the Bureau of Economic Geology. The geologic structure data represents the altitude and relative positions of the rock masses of an area resulting from such processes as faulting and folding. Tile Cached Web Service
Groundwater Management Areas Groundwater Management Area Boundaries, as created by TWDB Tile Cached Web Service
Major Aquifers The 9 major aquifers of Texas as defined by the TWDB, updated December 2006. Tile Cached Web Service
Minor Aquifers The 21 minor aquifers of Texas as defined by the TWDB, updated December 2006. Tile Cached Web Service
BRACS Study Area Boundaries The study area boundaries delineated as part of the TWDB's aquifer mapping plan which includes brackish groundwater and their storage potential for aquifer storage and recovery in Texas. Tile Cached Web Service
Regional Water Planning Areas The 16 Water Planning Regions in Texas, created by TWDB, updated November 2014. Tile Cached Web Service
River Basins The 23 major USGS river basins of Texas Tile Cached Web Service
State_Grid25 TWDB well location grid - 2.5 minute grid Tile Cached Web Service
Texas Counties Texas county boundaries Tile Cached Web Service
USGSGrid75 The USGS 7.5-minute map series grid index Tile Cached Web Service