Technical Notes
Technical notes are technical analyses that are relatively short reports that warrant formal publication, so the data and analysis can be available to the public. The first two digits in the filename denote year published.
ID | Description | Year |
Technical Note 12-01 | Outdoor Residential Water Use in Texas | 2012 |
Technical Note 13-01 | Summary of Groundwater Conditions in Texas: Recent (2010-2011) and Historical Water Level Changes in the TWDB Online Recorder Network | 2013 |
Technical Note 13-02 | Summary of Groundwater Conditions in Texas: Recent (2011-2012) and Historical Water-Level Changes in the TWDB Recorder Network | 2013 |
Technical Note 14-01 | Queen City and Sparta Aquifers, Atascosa and McMullen Counties, Texas: Structure and Brackish Groundwater | 2014 |
Technical Note 14-02 | Summary of Groundwater Conditions in Texas: Recent (2012-2013) and Historical Water-Level Changes in the TWDB Recorder Network | 2014 |
Technical Note 15-01 | Evaluation of Evaporation Suppression Tests on Lake Arrowhead, Texas | 2015 |
Technical Note 15-02 | Early warning of summer drought over Texas and the south central United States: spring conditions as a harbinger of summer drought | 2015 |
Technical Note 15-03 | A Water Resource Assessment of the Playa Lakes of the Texas High Plains | 2015 |
Technical Note 15-04 | Aquifer Storage and Recovery in Texas: 2015 | 2015 |
Technical Note 15-05 | Groundwater Availability in Texas: Comparing Estimates from the 2012 State Water Plan and Desired Future Conditions | 2015 |
Technical Note 15-06 | Groundwater Production Monitoring in the State of Texas | 2015 |
Technical Note 15-07 | Summary of Groundwater Conditions in Texas: Recent (2013-2014) and Historical Water-Level Changes in the TWDB Recorder Network | 2015 |
Technical Note 17-01 | Summary of Groundwater Conditions in Texas: Recent (2014-2015) and Historical Water-Level Changes in the TWDB Recorder Network | 2017 |
Technical Note 19-01 | Identification of Potential Brackish Groundwater Production Areas - Northern Trinity Aquifer | 2019 |
Open File Report 19-01 | Brackish Groundwater Production Zone Recommendations for Blossom Aquifer, Texas | 2019 |
Open File Report 19-02 | Brackish Groundwater Production Zone Recommendations for Nacatoch Aquifer, Texas | 2019 |
Technical Note 21-01 | Evaporative Losses from Major Reservoirs in Texas | 2021 |
Technical Note 22-01 | Streamgaging in Texas | 2022 |
Technical Note 23-01 | TWDB Water Data Inventory Report (also see Technical Note 23-01 Appendix A) | 2023 |