Region G

Groundwater Related Reports

ID Date Type Description
R-359 12/1/2003 TWDB numbered report The Groundwater Resources of the Dockum Aquifer in Texas
R-236 7/1/1979 TWDB numbered report Stratigraphic and Hydrogeologic Framework of Part of the Coastal Plain of Texas
HA-03 1/1/1995 Hydrologic atlas Water Quality in the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer, Edwards Plateau and Trans-Pecos, Texas
GMA6_DFC_01 7/22/2010 DFC submission Desired future conditions for the Blaine, Dockum, Ogallala, and Seymour aquifers
GMA7_DFC_01 7/29/2010 DFC submission Desired future conditions for the Capitan Reef Complex, Dockum, Edwards-Trinity (Plateau), Ellenburger-San Saba, Hickory, Lipan, Marble Falls, Ogallala, and Rustler aquifers
HA-05 1/1/1997 Hydrologic atlas Water Quality in the Sparta Aquifer
HA-06 1/1/1997 Hydrologic atlas Water Quality in the Queen City Aquifer
HA-04 1/1/1996 Hydrologic atlas Water Quality in the Woodbine Aquifer (in sections)
AA09-07 11/22/2010 Aquifer assessment Reevaluation of desired future conditions for the Trinity Aquifer in Comanche and Erath counties
GMA8_DFC_01 12/17/2007 DFC submission Desired future conditions for the Blossom, Brazos River Alluvium, Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone), Nacatoch, and Woodbine aquifers
GMA8_DFC_02 5/19/2008 DFC submission Desired future conditions for the Ellenburger-San Saba, Hickory, and Marble Falls aquifers
GMA8_DFC_03 9/17/2008 DFC submission Desired future conditions for the Trinity Aquifer
CR-0099483279 3/1/2000 Contract report Transmissivity, Hydraulic Conductivity, and Storativity of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer in Texas
GMA12_DFC_01 8/11/2010 DFC submission Desired future conditions for the Carrizo-Wilcox, Queen City, Sparta, Yegua-Jackson, and Brazos River Alluvium aquifers
R-295 10/1/1986 TWDB numbered report Hydrology of the Jasper Aquifer in the Southeast Texas Coastal Plain
R-332 9/1/1991 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Resources of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer in the Central Texas Region
B-6310 12/1/1973 Groundwater bulletin Reconnaissance Investigation of the Ground-Water Resources of the Brazos River Basin, Texas
R-186 9/1/1974 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Resources of Grimes County, Texas
R-185 9/1/1974 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Resources of Brazos and Burleson Counties, Texas
R-115 4/1/1970 TWDB numbered report Time of Travel of Translatory Waves on the Brazos, Leon and Little Rivers, Texas
R-041 3/1/1967 TWDB numbered report Ground Water in the Flood-Plain Alluvium of the Brazos River, Whitney Dam to Vicinity of Richmond, Texas
R-350 11/1/1999 TWDB numbered report Changes in Groundwater Conditions in the Edwards and Trinity Aquifers, 1987-1997, for Portions of Bastrop, Bell, Burnet, Lee, Milam, Travis, and Williamson Counties, Texas
R-020 3/1/1966 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Resources of Lee County, Texas
LP-208 1/1/1989 Limited publication A Digital Model of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer Within the Colorado River Basin of Texas (cross-section figures linked here)
B-6521 8/1/1965 Groundwater bulletin Investigation of Ground-Water Contamination, Rhineland Area, Knox County, Texas
R-050 6/1/1967 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Resources of Mitchell and Western Nolan Counties, Texas
R-325 4/1/1990 TWDB numbered report Test Well Drilling Investigation to Delineate the Downdip Limits of Usable-Quality Ground Water in the Edwards Aquifer in the Austin Region, Texas
R-360 2/9/2004 TWDB numbered report Conference Proceedings: Aquifers of the Edwards Plateau
R-224 10/1/1978 TWDB numbered report Occurrence, Quantity, and Quality of Ground Water in Taylor County, Texas
R-331 7/1/1991 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Quality Monitoring of the Trinity Aquifer in the Vicinity of Erath County
R-054 8/1/1967 TWDB numbered report Hydrologic Studies of Small Watersheds, Pin Oak Creek, Trinity River Basin, Texas 1956-62
R-269 4/1/1982 TWDB numbered report Occurrence, Availability and Chemical Quality of Ground Water in the Cretaceous Aquifers of North-Central Texas, Volumes 1 & 2
R-195 11/1/1975 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Resources of Part of Central Texas with Emphasis on the Antlers and Travis Peak Formations, Volumes 1 & 2
R-319 1/1/1990 TWDB numbered report Evaluation of Water Resources in Part of Central Texas
R-337 3/1/1992 TWDB numbered report Evaluation of Water Resources in Parts of the Rolling Prairies Region of North-Central Texas
R-358 12/1/2003 TWDB numbered report Groundwater Availability Modeling: Northern Segment of the Edwards Aquifer, Texas
R-346 3/1/1996 TWDB numbered report The Paleozoic and Related Aquifers of Central Texas
R-226 12/1/1978 TWDB numbered report Th Seymour Aquifer Ground-Water Quality and Availability in Haskell and Knox Counties, Texas, Volumes 1 & 2
R-349 11/1/1999 TWDB numbered report Updated Evaluation of Water Resources in Part of North-Central Texas, 1990-1999
R-318 1/1/1990 TWDB numbered report Evaluation of Water Resources in Part of North-Central Texas
R-100 10/1/1969 TWDB numbered report Occurrence and Quality of Ground Water in Shackelford County, Texas
R-113 4/1/1970 TWDB numbered report Occurrence and Quality of Ground Water in Throckmorton County, Texas
R-215 4/1/1978 TWDB numbered report Occurrence, Quality, and Availability of Ground Water in Jones County, Texas
GMA12_DFC_02 6/30/2011 DFC submission Desired future conditions for the Yegua-Jackson Aquifer
GMA6_DFC_02 7/19/2011 DFC submission Desired future conditions for the Blaine and Seymour aquifers
R-099 10/1/1969 TWDB numbered report Hydrologic Studies of Small Watersheds, Cow Bayou, Brazos River Basin, Texas, 1955-64
R-376 5/1/2011 TWDB numbered report Water Quality in the Blaine Aquifer
GMA14_DFC_01 8/25/2010 DFC submission Desired future conditions for the Gulf Coast, Carrizo-Wilcox, Queen City, Sparta, Yegua-Jackson, and River Alluvium aquifers
GT11-006 6/3/2011 GAM task Predictive simulations for the Seymour and Blaine aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 6
GR11-004_MP 9/26/2011 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Prairielands GCD
GR10-032_MP 9/29/2010 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Red River GCD
GR10-029_MP 1/4/2011 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Post Oak Savannah GCD
GR10-025 9/9/2010 GAM run Additional information on the estimated drawdown of the Yegua-Jackson Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 14
GT10-012 9/9/2010 GAM task Predictive simulations for the Yegua-Jackson Aquifer
GT10-024 7/16/2010 GAM task Analysis of pumping information for the Carrizo-Wilcox, Queen City, and Sparta aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 12
GR10-021_MP 7/22/2010 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Rolling Plains GCD
GT10-002 8/13/2010 GAM task Review of predictive simulations developed by AECOM for Groundwater Management Area 14
GR10-014_MP 6/9/2010 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Lost Pines GCD
GR10-013_MP 10/4/2011 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Brazos Valley GCD
GR10-009_MP 6/9/2010 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Clearwater UWCD
GR10-004_MP 4/15/2010 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Middle Trinity GCD
GR09-022_MP 11/20/2009 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Upper Trinity GCD
GR09-017_MP 7/24/2009 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Clear Fork UWCD
GR09-013_MP 8/6/2009 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Wes-Tex GCD
GR08-089_MP 5/20/2009 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Lost Pines GCD
GR08-087_MP 5/8/2009 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Bluebonnet GCD
GR08-083 5/17/2010 GAM run Additional results from the analysis completed in GAM Run 08-064
GR08-073_MP 12/9/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Brazos Valley GCD
GR08-072_MP 10/3/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Middle Trinity GCD
GR08-069_MP 9/10/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for McLennan County GCD
GR08-066 5/17/2010 GAM run Predictive simulation for the Woodbine and Trinity aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 8
GR08-064 5/17/2010 GAM run Predictive simulation for the Woodbine and Trinity aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 8
GR08-060 7/11/2008 GAM run Simulation of discharge to springs and streams in the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
GR08-059 7/11/2008 GAM run Simulation of discharge to springs and streams in the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
GR08-044 11/7/2008 GAM run Predictive simulation for the Seymour and Blaine aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 6
GR08-040_MP 5/30/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Saratoga UWCD
GR08-005 2/11/2008 GAM run Predictive simulations for the Trinity Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
GR08-006 2/11/2008 GAM run Predictive simulations for the Trinity Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
GMA8_DFC_05 4/27/2011 DFC submission Desired future conditions for the Blossom, Brazos River Alluvium, Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone), Ellenburger-San Saba, Hickory, Marble Falls, Nacatoch, Trinity, and Woodbine aquifers
GMA8_DFC_06 6/23/2011 DFC submission Desired future conditions for the Brazos River Alluvium, Nacatoch, and Woodbine aquifers
GR07-032 12/11/2007 GAM run Historic and predictive simulation for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR07-030 10/26/2007 GAM run Predictive simulations for the Trinity Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
GR07-021 10/30/2007 GAM run Simulation of discharge to springs and streams in the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
GR07-015 10/30/2007 GAM run Simulation of discharge to springs and streams in the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
GR07-009 6/29/2007 GAM run Predictive simulation for the Trinity Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
GR07-003 6/13/2007 GAM run Predictive simulation for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR06-012 7/31/2006 GAM run Predictive simulation for the Trinity Aquifer in Lampasas County (Saratoga UWCD)
GR05-033 8/8/2005 GAM run Recharge information for the Seymour and Blaine aquifers in Knox, Baylor, and Haskell counties
GR05-005 3/31/2005 GAM run Post Oak Savannah GCD, water budget, water levels, drawdown through 2050, 2002 State Water Plan pumping summary, and interaction with the Brazos River Alluvium Aquifer
GR05-002 3/1/2005 GAM run Water budget for Fisher County
GR04-017 10/7/2004 GAM run Recharge rates for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer in Nolan County (Wes-Tex GCD)
GR04-006 5/6/2004 GAM run Analytical groundwater modeling to estimate water level drawdown in Erath and Comanche counties
GR04-004 3/5/2004 GAM run Statistical summary and map of storage coefficient for the Simsboro Aquifer in Burleson County
GR04-003 2/9/2004 GAM run Statistical summary and map of transmissivity of the Simsboro Aquifer in Burleson County
GR03-028 9/19/2003 GAM run Predictive run using pumping data provided by Post Oak Savannah GCD
GR03-019 8/25/2003 GAM run Recharge information and total storage above 3000 feet using a predictive simulation in Milam and Burleson counties
GR10-058_MAG 12/7/2011 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the Seymour Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 6
GR10-057_MAG 12/7/2011 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the Dockum Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 6
GR10-056_MAG 12/6/2011 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the Blaine Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 6
GR08-084_MAG 3/5/2009 GAM run - MAG Managed available groundwater estimates for the Trinity Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
GR08-014_MAG 5/6/2008 GAM run - MAG Managed available groundwater estimates for the Woodbine Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
GR08-010_MAG 4/3/2008 GAM run - MAG Managed available groundwater estimates for the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
AA07-05_MAG 7/10/2008 Aquifer assessment MAG Managed available groundwater estimates for the Brazos River Alluvium Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
AA08-02_MAG 5/1/2009 Aquifer assessment MAG Managed available groundwater estimates for the Marble Falls Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
AA08-03_MAG 12/10/2009 Aquifer assessment MAG Managed available groundwater estimates for the Ellenburger-San Saba Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
AA08-04_MAG 12/10/2009 Aquifer assessment MAG Managed available groundwater estimates for the Hickory Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
GR11-008 1/27/2012 GAM run Trinity Aquifer model runs for Central Texas GCD
AA08-05 10/22/2009 Aquifer assessment Desired future condition scenarios for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR10-063_MAG 12/14/2011 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the Trinity Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
GR10-065_MAG 12/14/2011 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
AA10-15_MAG 12/30/2011 Aquifer assessment MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the Ellenburger-San Saba Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
AA10-16_MAG 12/7/2011 Aquifer assessment MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the Hickory Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
AA10-17_MAG 12/9/2011 Aquifer assessment MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the Marble Falls Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
AA10-18_MAG 12/9/2011 Aquifer assessment MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the Brazos River Alluvium Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
GR10-064_MAG 6/29/2012 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the Woodbine Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 8
AA10-20_MAG 7/9/2012 Aquifer assessment MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Brazos River Alluvium Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 12
GR10-044_MAG 7/9/2012 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 12
GR10-045_MAG 7/9/2012 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Queen City Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 12
GR10-046_MAG 7/9/2012 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Sparta Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 12
GR10-060_MAG 7/9/2012 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Yegua-Jackson Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 12
AA10-30_MAG 6/22/2011 Aquifer assessment MAG Managed available groundwater for the Brazos River Alluvium Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 14
AA10-31_MAG 6/22/2011 Aquifer assessment MAG Managed available groundwater for the Navasota River Alluvium Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 14
GR10-038_MAG 11/18/2011 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Gulf Coast Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 14
GR11-006 2/2/2012 GAM run Predictive simulations for the Trinity Aquifer in Clearwater UWCD
CR-0904831001 10/31/2011 Contract report Estimation of Groundwater Recharge to the Gulf Coast Aquifer in Texas, USA
CR-1004831116 7/11/2012 Contract report Aquifer Test and Related Well Information from Public Water Supply Wells in Groundwater Management Area 8
CR-1004831113 6/1/2012 Contract report Updating the Hydrogeologic Framework for the Northern Portion of the Gulf Coast Aquifer
CR-0904830820 4/1/2010 Contract report Application of PEST to Re-Calibrate the Groundwater Availability Model for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) and Pecos Valley Aquifers
CR-1004831114 8/9/2012 Contract report Ground Water Recharge Model: Calibration and Validation for Remotely-Sensed Dual Coefficient (RDC) GMA8 ET Estimation
GR10-043_MAG_Rev1 11/12/2012 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau), Pecos Valley, and Trinity aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR10-040_MAG_Ver2 2/22/2012 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the Dockum Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR10-054_MAG_Ver2 2/18/2011 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Sparta Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 14
GR10-055_MAG_Ver2 7/9/2012 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Yegua-Jackson Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 14
GR10-053_MAG_Ver3 7/9/2012 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Queen City Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 14
GR13-019_MP 7/3/2013 GAM run - Management Plan Management Plan data for Saratoga UWCD
GR13-016_MP 8/7/2013 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan data for Middle Trinity GCD
GR13-028_MP 8/30/2013 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan data for Bluebonnet GCD
GR13-030_MP 2/18/2014 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan data for Wes-Tex GCD
GR14-005_MP 3/26/2014 GAM run - Management Plan Management Plan data for Brazos Valley GCD
GR14-007_MP 7/25/2014 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan data for Clear Fork GCD
GR14-003_MP 8/29/2014 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan data for Southern Trinity GCD
GR14-015_MP 2/9/2015 GAM run - Management Plan Management Plan data for Southern Trinity GCD
GR14-008_MP 3/3/2015 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan data for Upper Trinity GCD
GR14-009_MP 5/6/2015 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan data for Rolling Plains GCD
GR15-003_MP 11/24/2015 GAM run - Management Plan Management Plan data for Clearwater UWCD
GR16-002_MP 4/25/2016 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Middle Trinity GCD
GR17-026_MP 3/17/2017 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Middle Trinity GCD
GR16-014_MP 3/17/2017 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Lost Pines GCD
GR17-020_MP 12/15/2017 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Bluebonnet GCD
GR18-019_MP 7/6/2018 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Brazos Valley GCD
GR18-021_MP 1/25/2019 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Brazos Valley GCD
GR19-005_MP 3/15/2019 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Saratoga UWCD
GR19-012_MP 6/13/2019 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Wes-Tex GCD
GR19-020_MP 7/26/2019 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Rolling Plains GCD
GR19-016 10/24/2019 GAM run Management plan information for Southern Trinity GCD
GR19-016_MP 10/24/2019 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Southern Trinity GCD
GR19-018_MP 11/7/2019 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Upper Trinity GCD
GR21-006_MP 10/21/2021 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Middle Trinity GCD
GR22-007_MP 6/28/2022 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Post Oak Savannah GCD
GR22-008_MP 8/12/2022 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Lost Pines GCD
GR21-012_MAG 8/12/2022 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR21-019_MAG 9/8/2022 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the Gulf Coast Aquifer System in Groundwater Management Area 14
GR21-011_MAG 11/14/2022 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 6
GR21-013_MAG 11/1/2022 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 8
GR21-017_MAG 11/1/2022 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 12
GR23-009_MP 6/2/2023 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Brazos Valley GCD
GR23-005_MP 06/09/2023 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Bluebonnet GCD
GR23-025_MP 12/21/2023 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Prairielands GCD