TWDB Flood Programs
The 2019 Texas Legislature and Governor Abbott greatly expanded the TWDB's role in flood planning and financing. In addition to our existing flood programs, the TWDB will be administering a new a state and regional flood planning process with flood planning regions based on river basins. The 15 Regional Flood Planning Groups (RFPG), designated by the TWDB in 2020, submitted regional flood plans in January 2023, and will submit their amended regional flood plans to TWDB by July 14, 2023. The TWDB will combine the approved regional flood plans into a single state flood plan to be delivered to the Legislature by September 1, 2024.
The legislature also made a one-time transfer of $793 million from the state's Economic Stabilization or "Rainy Day" Fund to create a new flood financial assistance program to be administered by the TWDB. The program will be designed to make the implementation of drainage and flood projects more affordable for Texas communities and to meet immediate needs for funding. The funding will become available in 2020.
In addition, the legislature provided the TWDB with funds to collect more flood-related data, advance its river and coastal modeling capabilities, and distribute critical flood information through an online dashboard.
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Recent News
Flood financial assistance and Flood Intended Use Plan
On September 17, 2020, TWDB's governing Board adopted the final 2020 Flood Intended Use Plan. At that meeting the Board also approved the prioritization for the 2020 Flood Infrastructure Fund cycle and established the amount of funds available for grants and zero-interest loans. See the Flood Infrastructure Fund program page for details.
Regional and state flood planning rules and flood planning regions
Regional and state flood planning rules and flood planning regions: The TWDB designated fifteen flood planning regions on April 09, 2020, and adopted final rules to implement a new regional and state flood planning process for Texas on May 21, 2020. On October 1, 2020, the Board is scheduled to consider designating representatives to serve on the 15 initial regional flood planning groups.
Flood Information Clearinghouse
Flood Funding Information Clearinghouse: The TWDB, along with the General Land Office and Texas Division of Emergency Management, have created the first "one-stop-shop" for information on flood mitigation funding opportunities for Texas' communities. The site includes an online Request for Information Form that entities can submit to get feedback on what state and federal financial assistance programs could be the best fit for their flood mitigation needs. The site also includes information on current funding opportunities, general project and entity eligibility by program, upcoming events related to flood mitigation financial assistance, and other resources.
Texas Infrastructure Resiliency Fund (TIRF)
The legislation that created the FIF also created the TIRF. The 86th Texas Legislature appropriated funds to the Floodplain Management Account within the TIRF to support the development of the first state flood plan and TWDB's flood science and mapping activities. Funds were also appropriated to the Hurricane Harvey Account within the TIRF; the TWDB is providing these funds to the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) for nonfederal match to eligible political subdivisions for projects related to Hurricane Harvey.
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Existing Programs

Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program: The Flood Mitigation Assistance grant program, under the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Program, assists states and communities by providing up to 100% federal funds for cost-effective measures to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to buildings, manufactured homes, and other structures insurable under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP): The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) was established by the United States Congress in the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 and is administered by the Federal Insurance Administration (FIA) and the Mitigation Directorate, components of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Cooperating Technical Partners (CTP) Program is an effort launched by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in 1999 to increase local involvement in developing and updating Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), Flood Insurance Study (FIS) reports and associated geospatial data.

Community Resources Additional resources such as brochures, technical bulletins, helpful links, information and other resources.

Flood Infrastructure Fund Program The Flood Infrastructure Fund program is a new state-funded source of financial assistance for flood mitigation projects.