Groundwater Database (GWDB) Reports and Downloads

The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Groundwater Database (GWDB) contains information on selected water wells, springs, oil/gas tests (that were originally intended to be or were converted to water wells), water levels, and water quality to gain representative information about aquifers in Texas to support water planning from a local to a more regional perspective.

Reports are designed to view a select set of information in the GWDB, not for viewing all records in the database. Reports allow the user to select or enter certain information to obtain records for that specific criteria. There is an option to export the reports to several different formats; although the reports are optimized for viewing as PDF and CSV formats.

For more information on how to navigate the groundwater reports, download the Explanation of the toolbar.

To download the entire GWDB or a shapefile of well locations, go to the Downloads section below.


Well Search by Map
The TWDB Water Data Interactive (WDI) Groundwater Data Viewer contains well records for sites in both the GWDB and the Submitted Drillers Report Database. The default display from the link above is just for Groundwater Database sites. Click "Groundwater" at the top of the page to view other groundwater data, including well and plugging reports, and digital well logs from the BRACS (Brackish Resources Aquifer Characterization System) Database. Several base maps and layers, along with interactive tools, allow for viewing and downloading Texas groundwater data.

Record of Wells

Record of Wells by Aquifer
Select one aquifer and then one or multiple counties from the lists at the top of the page, then click the View Report button in the upper right. In the report, click the state well number for all available information on the well. Exported PDF page size is 11" x 8.5".
Record of Wells by County
Select one county and then one or multiple aquifers from the lists at the top of the page, then click the View Report button in the upper right. In the report, click the state well number for all available information on the well. Exported PDF page size is 11" x 8.5".
Record of Wells by Well
Enter the state well number at the top of the page, then click the View Report button in the upper right. Exported PDF page size is 8.5" x 11".
Record of Wells Advanced Search
Enter and/or select information in one or many of the text boxes at the top of the screen, then click the View Report button in the upper right. Entering partial information in the fields without drop down selections returns all records that meet that criteria, including partial matches. Exported PDF page size is 17” x 11”.

Water Levels

Water Levels by Aquifer
Select one aquifer and then one or multiple counties and then one or more observation types from the lists at the top of the page, then click the View Report button in the upper right. Exported PDF page size is 11" x 8.5".
Water Levels by County
Select one county and then one or multiple aquifers and then one or more observation types from the lists at the top of the page, then click the View Report button in the upper right. Exported PDF page size is 11" x 8.5".
Water Levels by Well
Enter the state well number at the top of the page, then click the View Report button in the upper right. Exported PDF page size is 8.5" x 11".
Water Levels Advanced Search
Enter and/or select information in one or many of the text boxes at the top of the screen, then click the View Report button in the upper right. Entering partial information in the fields without drop down selections returns all records that meet that criteria, including partial matches. For Measurement Year FROM and Measurement Year TO, keep NULL checked to return all available measurements. Enter the same year in both fields to display all measurements for that year. Entering a year in the FROM and leaving TO checked NULL will display measurements from the year entered to present. Entering a year in the TO and leaving FROM checked NULL will display measurements from the beginning to the year entered. Exported PDF page size is 17” x 11”.

Water Quality

Water Quality by Aquifer
Select one aquifer and then one or multiple counties and then one or more parameters from the lists at the top of the page, then click the View Report button in the upper right. Exported PDF page size is 11" x 8.5".
Water Quality by County
Select one county and then one or multiple aquifers and then one or more parameters from the lists at the top of the page, then click the View Report button in the upper right. Exported PDF page size is 11" x 8.5".
Water Quality by Well
Enter the state well number at the top of the page, then click the View Report button in the upper right. Exported PDF page size is 8.5" x 11".

Water Quality Pivot

This is the old style water quality text file that displays the major cations and anions for each well along a row. Be advised that the values in this download may be detection limit values, not actual measured values. Please use the reports above to obtain all water quality values for the well and to check for detection limit values. Select the county below and press the "Download CSV" button to download the file.


Full GWDB SQL Server Download
Pipe "|" delimited text files of all lookup and data tables from the GWDB, updated nightly. These are the "raw" tables with identity codes in the data files that must be manually linked to lookup files for descriptions. Be sure to view the ReadMe folder for information about using the download files.
Full GWDB Database Download
Pipe "|" delimited text files of all data tables from the GWDB, updated nightly. Be sure to view the ReadMe folder for information about using the download files.
GWDB Well Location Shapefile
Geographic Information System shapefile of GWDB well locations, updated nightly. Be aware that most of the locations of wells in this database are not verified by State staff and may be inaccurate.

For common questions on groundwater information please check out the General Groundwater and Private Water Well FAQ page. Contact the Groundwater Data Team with any additional groundwater data related questions.

**DISCLAIMER** Except where noted, all of the information provided in the GWDB is believed to be accurate and reliable; however, the TWDB assumes no responsibility for any errors appearing in rules or otherwise. Further, TWDB assumes no responsibility for the use of the information provided. PLEASE NOTE that users of these data are responsible for checking the accuracy, completeness, currency and/or suitability of all information themselves. TWDB makes no guarantees or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, currency, or suitability of the information provided via the GWDB. TWDB specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claims or damages that may result from providing GWDB data or the information it contains.