Water Conservation Plan Annual Reports

Annual Report (User Portal)

Annual Reports are due each year by May 1st.

The purpose of an Annual Report is to evaluate your entity's progress and effectiveness of program implementation of your Water Conservation Plan. Reviewing your program annually will help to evaluate program successes and future needs.

Do I have to submit an Annual Report?

All entities with a Water Conservation Plan are required to submit an Annual Report by May 1st of each year.

How to prepare your Annual Report

The Conservation Annual Report must be completed online since pertinent data from your previously submitted Water Use Surveys, Water Loss Audits and/or Annual Conservation Reports are used to pre-populate certain fields. All data entry is and should be sequential. The Water Loss Audit will not populate or calculate properly if the Water Use Survey has not been correctly completed and submitted, and the Annual Report will not populate correctly unless Water Use Survey and Water Loss Audit have been completed and submitted.

These Reports Must be Completed in Order:

  1. Water Use Survey
  2. Water Loss Audit
  3. Annual Conservation Report
  4. Utility Profile
  5. Water Conservation Plan

Please Note: Although you will see all the report names, you may not have access to all of them. For example, you might complete the Water Use Survey but not the Water Loss Audit or the Annual Report, but you will be able to see who has access to the other reports. To complete the Annual Conservation Report online, you must first request access to the Water Conservation application.

For additional information, please contact TWDB's Municipal Water Conservation team at wcpteam@twdb.texas.gov or 512-475-1639.