Fraud, Waste and Abuse

Report Allegations of Fraud, Waste, or Abuse Related to TWDB

Contact the agency's Internal Auditor by mail, toll-free number, or e-mail to report suspected fraud, waste or abuse if there are facts (not just mere suspicion) that point to fraud, waste or abuse.

Fraud, waste, and abuse in state agencies affects all Texans by increasing the cost of government and diverting your tax dollars to compensate for the associated losses. The TWDB takes allegations of fraud, waste, or abuse seriously and will investigate such allegations appropriately.

But, we need your help in providing us with information.

How to Report

If you are aware of, or suspect, any fraud, waste or abuse related to TWDB operations, please report it to the TWDB's Internal Audit Division immediately.

Please give as specific and detailed information as possible to enable us to investigate thoroughly. Although you may choose to remain anonymous, it is helpful if you identify yourself in case we have follow-up questions.

Report by Mail:
Texas Water Development Board
Attn: Internal Audit
P.O. Box 13231
1700 N. Congress Ave.
Austin, Texas 78711-3231

Report by phone:

Report by E-mail:

Report to State Auditor's Office:
call 800-TX-AUDIT or visit