Bulletin 6003 by C. C. Mason, U.S. Geological Survey | June 1960 (Second Printing November 1975)

  • Bulletin 6003 Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Dimmit County, Texas (pdf - 16.76MB)
  • Plate 1.pdf (pdf - 5.04MB) - Map showing location of wells and outcrop of Carrizo Sand, Dimmit County, Texas
  • Plate 2 (pdf - 4.73MB)- Geologic Cross Section along line A-A', Dimmit County
  • Plate 3 (pdf - 4.30MB) - Geologic Cross Section along line B-B', Dimmit County
  • Plate 4 (pdf - 4.54MB) - Geologic Cross Section along line C-C', Dimmit County
  • Plate 5 (pdf - 4.77MB) - Map showing the approximate altitude of the top of the Carrizo sand, Dimmit County
  • Plate 6 (pdf - 4.79MB) - Altitude of water levels in wells in the Carrizo sand, Dimmit County, 1929
  • Plate 7 (pdf - 4.85MB) - Altitude of water levels in the Carrizo sand, Dimmit County, March 1957
  • Plate 8 (pdf - 4.76MB) - Decline of water levels in wells in the Carrizo sand, Dimmit County, 1929-57
  • Plate 9 (pdf - 4.85MB) - Change in water levels in wells in the Carrizo sand, Dimmit Count, 1929-38
  • Plate 10 (pdf - 4.80MB) - Decline of water levels in wells in the Carrizo sand, Dimmit County, 1928-48
  • Plate 11 (pdf - 4.83MB) - Decline of water levels in wells in the Carrizo sand, Dimmit County, 1948-57
  • Plate 12 (pdf - 4.81MB) - Recovery of water levels in wells in the Carrizo sand, Dimmit County, March to May 1957
  • Plate 13 (pdf - 4.80MB) - Dewatering of the Carrizo sand, Dimmit County, 1929-57