Groundwater and Drought

Whereas the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is the lead agency in Texas for surface water rights and availability, the TWDB is the primary state resource for information on groundwater resources. The TWDB's Groundwater Division is responsible for all aspects of groundwater studies in the state, monitors groundwater levels and groundwater quality in 9 major and 22 minor aquifers, conducts regional-scale groundwater modeling, and houses and maintains water well records among other activities. The following TWDB resources provide valuable information that can aid in understanding groundwater conditions over time:

  • Water Data for Texas, Automated Groundwater Level Wells - The TWDB, in partnership with its cooperators, installs and monitors automatic water level recorders in observation wells throughout the state. At this site, you can look up real-time water levels in wells near you.
  • Groundwater Data Viewer - The Groundwater Data Viewer displays information on wells in the TWDB Groundwater Database, including information such as total well depth, screens, and pump placement/well construction. You can search this interactive map viewer for well records in your area.
  • The TWDB and the TCEQ also make well reports available. To search for well reports submitted from 2002 to present, visit our Groundwater Data Viewer and search by map or visit our Submitted Drillers Report Database and search by specific well information such as owner name. For well reports submitted prior to 2001, use the TCEQ's Water Well Report Viewer to search for historical well reports.

If you need assistance navigating these resources, please reach out to us at 512-936-0871.

Additionally, groundwater conservation districts locally manage and protect groundwater resources. Your local groundwater conservation district may have additional information and resources to assist during drought. The Texas Alliance of Groundwater Districts has a database with detailed information on each district.