Projected Reservoir Rating Curves based on volumetric elevational sedimentation rates

The TWDB's Water Availability Program has developed projected reservoir rating curves for 80 major water supply reservoirs in Texas based on the distribution of sediment volume by reservoir elevation. These ratings curves are developed at 0.1-feet elevation interval for most of reservoirs listed in this page for the full available elevation range in each reservoir.

Regional Water Planning Groups in Texas are required to consider anticipated reservoir sedimentation rates when they simulate reservoir firm yields using the state's Water Availability Models (WAMs). Presented here are simplified projected rating curves (i.e., rating curves for 12 elevation points at equal elevation interval, suited for input to the WAMs) for 80 major water supply reservoirs for the water planning decades 2030 through 2080.

For more information on the volumetric elevational sedimentation rate method, please see this draft paper. If you have more questions, please contact Dr. John Zhu or the Surface Water Division.

Projected Reservoir Rating Curves for Water Availability Models (WAMs)


The reservoir rating curves for WAM posted here are based on survey data collected by multiple organizations and at various times, processed by the method specified in the study report listed above, and are subject to revision as additional data and/or updates are made available to the TWDB. The dataset may be continuously updated in the future without notice. Neither the State of Texas nor the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) assumes any legal liability or responsibility for or makes any guarantees or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of the information for any purpose. Please contact TWDB customer service if you have any questions or comments about the dataset.

(last update to data is on 11/20/2024).