Texas Water Fund

In 2023, the 88th Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill (SB) 28 and Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 75 providing for the creation of the Texas Water Fund, a special fund in the state treasury outside the general revenue fund to be administered by the TWDB. In addition, SB 30 authorized a onetime, $1 billion supplemental appropriation of general revenue to the Texas Water Fund, contingent on enactment of SB 28 and approval of SJR 75 by voters. Proposition 6 (the proposition for SJR 75), creating the Texas Water Fund to assist in financing water projects in Texas, passed on November 7, 2023, with more than 77 percent in favor.

The Texas Water Fund is not a new financial assistance program itself; rather, it allows the TWDB to provide funding through certain existing financial assistance programs and the newly created New Water Supply Fund for Texas. The TWDB is working to implement the Texas Water Fund and is seeking stakeholder feedback to inform funding priorities as well as the administration of the programs to which funds may be transferred.

Sign up for TWDB "General Information" and "Financial Assistance" email lists for regular updates.

Texas Water Fund Implementation Plan

March 20 Stakeholder Meeting Presentation (Video recording below)

Texas Water Fund FAQs and Implementation Timeline

New Water Supply for Texas Fund Legislative Intent Letter

March 20, 2024, Stakeholder Meeting