The place to begin water education is in the school classroom. School programs can result in both short- and long-term water savings. Because students often share with their parents the information they learn at school, classroom education can affect current water use patterns. Youth educated about water resources are also more likely to make life-long behavioral changes.

The TWDB Kids website serves as the gateway to the agency's K-12 conservation education resources. The web site also features visualization, interactive games, and other activities to help students learn about key concepts:

  • Water Cycles
  • Watersheds
  • Water Use
  • Surface Water and Groundwater
  • Water Treatment
  • Water Conservation

Kids Programs

Major Rivers

Major Rivers

Major Rivers, along with his horse, Aquifer, has been visiting Texas 4th and 5th grade classrooms for over 25 years. This free multidisciplinary program includes a teacher's guide, colorful and engaging student workbooks and home leaflets, and an introductory video. The program teaches students where water comes from, how to protect water resources, and how to use water wisely.

Raising Your Water IQ

Raising Your Water IQ

Raising Your Water IQ is an inquiry-based, hands-on approach to teaching middle school students about Texas water resources. This free program has a teacher's guide and includes lessons on: watersheds and pollution, water cycles, water treatment, groundwater, water in Texas, and wise water use.

Know Your Texas Water

Know your Texas Water

Know Your Texas Water is a Web-based education resource for teachers and parents who would like to know more about Texas water. It features Web quests, animations, maps, and other tools based on TWDB's research, including the State Water Plan. Water resource workshops for teachers are posted on this Web page.

Physical Model Videos

Physical Model Videos

Hydrogeologists develop physical models to better understand how aquifers work. In these videos, you will learn how groundwater moves through an aquifer by following the dye trace through the model. You will learn the basics of porosity, permeability, recharge, discharge, unconfined and confined aquifers, karst aquifers, point source pollution and nonpoint source pollution.

Water Exploration

Water Exploration

Water Exploration is the TWDB web-based education program for Texas high school students. This program uses a project-based learning approach which challenges students to conduct research and build understanding about water science and critical water-related issues.

Kids Coloring and Activity Book

Kids Coloring and Activity Book

In the "Water for Texas" coloring and activity book, Billy the Bull, Amanda Armadillo, Sally Mander, and Grandpa Lizard guide children through fun facts about water in Texas, teach them the names of aquifers and rivers through word finds, give them information on how to conserve water at home, and apply what they have learned to create a story and draw a picture. There is even a maze and a connect-the-dots page. This entertaining 16 page booklet is targeted for ages Kindergarten through 3rd grade.