Historical Water Use Summary and Data Dashboard

This interactive data dashboard displays historical water use survey and estimate data. The Texas Water Development Board Water Use Survey program conducts an annual survey of about 4,650 public water systems and 2,600 industrial facilities. The water use survey collects the volume of both ground and surface water used, the source of the water, water sales, and other pertinent data from the users. Periodically, the data reports are refreshed to include any new or corrected information.

This data provides an important source of information in helping guide water supply studies as well as regional and state water planning that is dependent upon the accuracy and completeness of the information water users provide. Please read Frequently Asked Questions for more information on the Water Use Survey.

Please visit our Historical Water Use Estimates page to view and download reports associated with the data presented in the dashboards below.

Optional Feedback Survey: We value your feedback! Please consider completing our optional survey to provide suggestions to improve our Historical Water Use Estimates and Groundwater Pumpage Reports and Dashboard.

The 2022 Texas Water Use Estimates Summary Report (pdf) is now available. This is a snapshot of the water use data as of 1/10/2025. Please note the data in the summary report may differ from data reported on our data dashboards. Periodically, data dashboards and reports are refreshed to include any new or corrected information.

  • Water Use Summary: This interactive data dashboard displays historical water use estimate data, which are produced using information from the annual Water Use Survey and water use estimates for irrigation, livestock, municipal, manufacturing, mining and steam-electric power categories.
  • PWS Water Use Data: This interactive data dashboard displays historical water use survey and estimate data by public water system in Texas from 2010-2021. There are three sections - 1)intake, sales and population totals, 2) categorical use and connections and 3) buyer-seller reported sales. Using our interactive data dashboard, you can view how your water use has changed over time.
  • Historical Groundwater Pumpage Data: This interactive data dashboard displays historical groundwater pumpage estimates in Texas from 2010-2021. There are two sections - 1)pumpage estimates by water use category, 2)pumpage estimates by aquifer. Using our interactive data dashboard, you can view how groundwater usage throughout the state has changed over time.
  • Maps: This tab provides maps of the most recent year's state water use by water use category and water source.
  • Definitions & FAQ: View this tab for more descriptions and definitions of the data presented on the dashboards, and links to frequently asked questions.

If you are a public water system, please review the information for your individual system. If notice any missing information or errors in your data, or if you have questions about how to use the dashboard, please contact the Water Use Survey Team, (512) 463-7952