Municipal Water Conservation Planning Tool

The Municipal Water Conservation Planning Tool (Conservation Tool) was developed to assist water utilities with their water conservation planning and reporting, and regional water planning groups with development of their municipal conservation water management strategies. It provides an accounting framework for projecting future conservation program costs and water savings as well as estimating the water savings from previous implementation of conservation measures. Water utilities can use the Conservation Tool in a variety of ways to aid their water conservation planning and reporting. For example:

  • The Conservation Tool can be used to develop long-range conservation plans. Indeed, this is the primary intended use of the Conservation Tool.
  • The Conservation Tool can be used to quickly compare alternative conservation measures in terms of their water savings potential, implementation cost, and cost effectiveness.
  • The Conservation Tool can be used to estimate water savings from previous implementation of conservation measures.
  • Regional water planning groups can use the Conservation Tool to develop municipal conservation water management strategies with future volumes based upon quantified water savings from specific conservation measures.

Other Water Conservation Plan Resources:

TWDB Water Conservation Planning

TCEQ Water Conservation and Drought Planning

Water Conservation Plan Frequently Asked Questions

For additional information, please contact TWDB's Water Conservation Reports Team at or 512-475-1639.