
Public outreach for water conservation is necessary to increase Texans' knowledge of water resources, water use, and the need to conserve water. Research has shown that the more Texans know about their water resources, the more likely they are to participate in water conservation programs.
Conservation is a cost-effective means of securing future water supplies for all Texans. Education, outreach, and public awareness can all be a part of best management strategies for water conservation.
Daily Water-Saving Tip

Texas Runs on Water
Texas Runs on Water is a statewide water campaign inspiring Texans to have a hand in our water future.

Water IQ: Know your water
A statewide public outreach water conservation program that educates Texans about water conservation. The Water IQ: Know your water program is designed to complement and support existing local and regional water conservation efforts.
Water IQ provides a broad level of outreach and offers an easy-to-identify brand, a variety of materials, and a network of groups and communities dedicated to educating Texans about water conservation. To learn more about opportunities available please visit the Water IQ website or contact wateriq@twdb.texas.gov for the Water IQ User Agreement and Usage Guidelines.

Expand Public Awareness
TWDB also have a guide available for water utilities that would like to expand or develop a public awareness program for water conservation. Developing a Water Conservation Public Awareness Program: A Guide for Utilities helps utilities implement goals for an effective program by making use of the mass media. Topics include working with local media, reaching an audience, tracking media coverage, and other resources.