Rainwater Harvesting Links
Disclaimer: Links to and information about Web sites outside the TWDB are provided solely for the convenience of the user and do not constitute an official endorsement of the information, products, or services contained therein.
Government Agencies
- City of Austin: Water Conservation, Austin, Texas.
Links to the rainwater harvesting rebates for residential and commercial customers are available on this Web page.
- American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA)
Founded in Austin, Texas, in 1994, ARCSA promotes rainwater catchment systems in the United States. - Center for Science and Environment: Rainwater Harvesting, India
Comprehensive Web site of the Center for Science & Environment, India, dedicated to all aspects of rainwater harvesting with emphasis on India. - International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance, Switzerland
The Alliance promotes rainwater harvesting within the context of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) linking local social and economic development with the protection of vital ecosystems. - Lanka Rainwater Harvesting Forum, Sri Lanka
Among other goals, the Forum aims to identify existing rainwater harvesting practices in Sri Lanka, and promote the application of rainwater for domestic purposes and aquifer recharge. - Rainwater Harvesting Implementation Network (RAIN), Netherlands
RAIN is an international network that aims to increase access to water for vulnerable sections of society in developing countries - women and children in particular - by collecting and storing rainwater in water tanks and wells.
Academic Institutions
- Texas AgriLife Extension Service
A Texas A & M University Web site with lots of useful information on rainwater harvesting.
Useful Reference Manuals
- The Texas Manual on Rainwater Harvesting, 3rd Edition, Texas Water Development Board, 2005 (2.42 MB)
The manual serves as a primer in the basics of residential and small-scale commercial rainwater harvesting systems design. It is intended to serve as a first step in thinking about options for implementing rainwater harvesting systems, as well as advantages and constraints of the technology.