Other TWDB Reports
- Drought in Texas - A Comparison of the 1950s and 2010s Droughts
- Hydrologic Atlases
- Open-File Reports
- Summary of Drought Conditions
- Groundwater Database Reports
- Texas Water Conditions Report
- Groundwater Management Reports
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Circulars are a short series of Texas Water Commission Reports that ran from 1962 to 1968. All available hard copies have been scanned.
- Note 1: The Drainage Area reports all include the same maps: figure 1 Principal Physiographic Provinces and figure 2 River Basins of Texas. We link to them once here, rather than adding the same maps redundantly to each report.
- Note 2: Several Circulars are old Publications lists you might find useful as a bibliographic reference. All publications mentioned are out of print and unavailable as hard copy; however, many have been digitized and made available on these TWDB Publications pages.
- Circular 62-01 The Present Reconnaissance Study Program of the Chemical Quality of Streams in Texas (1962)
- Circular 62-02 Drainage Areas of Texas Streams - Sabine River Basin (1962)
- Circular 62-03 Drainage Areas of Texas Streams - Neches River Basin (1962)
- Circular 62-04 Texas Index of Surface Water Records 1882-1961 (1962)
- Circular 62-05 Drainage Areas of Texas Streams - San Jacinto River Basin (1962)
- Circular 62-06 Publications of the Texas Water Commission (1962)
- Circular 63-01 Drainage Areas of Texas Streams - Trinity River Basin (1963)
- Circular 63-02 Texas Gulf Coast Industrial Water Supply (1963)
- Circular 63-03 The Development of the Science of Hydrology (1963)
- Circular 63-05 Summary of the Ground-Water Aquifers in the Rio Grande Basin (1963)
- Circular 63-06 Publications of the Texas Water Commission (1963)
- Circular 63-07 Drainage Areas of Texas Streams - San Antonio River Basin (1963)
- Circular 64-01 Water Levels and Chemical Analyses from Observation Wells in the Dell City Area Hudspeth and Culberson Counties, Texas 1948 through January 1964
- Circular 64-02 Annotated Bibliography of Ground-Water Publications and Open-File Reports of the Texas Water Commission and U.S. Geological Survey for Texas through August 1963
- Circular 64-03 Publications of the Texas Water Commission (1964)
- Circular 65-01 Drainage Areas of Texas Streams - Coastal Areas (1965)
- Circular 3 Texas Water Development Board List of Publications (1968)
Intensive Surveys:
Limited Distribution Reports:
- LD-0163 Bacteriological Pollution of Ground Water in the Big Spring Area, Howard County, Texas (1963)
- LD-0165 Manual of Computing and Modeling Techniques and their Application to Hydrologic Studies (1965)
- LD-0262 Henderson Oil Field Area, Rusk County, Texas Investigation of Ground-Water Contamination (1962)
- LD-0263 Ground-Water Availability at Whitney, Hill County, Texas (1963)
- LD-0265 Investigation of Ground-Water Contamination in the Vealmoor Oil Field, Howard and Borden Counties, Texas (1965)
- LD-0362 City of Valera, Coleman County, Texas investigation of ground-water contamination (1962)
- LD-0364 Investigation of Ground-Water Contamination In the Juliana and West Jud Oil Fields, Haskell and Stonewall Counties, Texas (1964)
- LD-0365 Investigation of Ground- and Surface-Water Contamination Near Harrold, Wilbarger County, Texas (1965)
- LD-0564 Investigation of Ground-Water Contamination Coleto Creek Oil Field, Victoria County, Texas (1964)
- LD-0664 Investigation of Alleged Ground-Water Contamination Near Kilgore, Gregg County, Texas (1964)
- LD-0864 Investigation of Ground-Water Contamination from Cotton Seed Delinting Acid Waste, Terry County, Texas (1964)
Limited Printing Reports
Memorandum Reports:
- MR-62-01 Ground-Water Conditions in the Vicinity of Burnet, Texas (1962)
- MR-62-02 Reconnaissance Survey of Salt Water Disposal in the Mexia, Negro Creek, and Cedar Creek Oil Fields, Limestone County, Texas (1962)
- MR-63-01 Brazos River Basin Reservoir Studies Chemical Quality and Stratification of Belton, Whitney, and Possum Kingdom Reservoirs (1963)
- MR-63-02 Reconnaissance of Soil Damage and Ground-Water Quality, Fisher County, Texas (1963)
- MR-63-03 Investigation of Ground-Water Resources near Fredericksburg, Texas (1963)
Miscellaneous Reports:
The following odds & ends and miscellaneous water-related reports may also be of interest.
- AL-IV Water Supply Allocation Model - Program Documentation and Users Manual (1975)
- TWDB Memorandum Report for Contract No. 8-REC-003 (Robert L. Bluntzer and John A. Derton February 1988)
- Development of Texas Rivers a Water Plan for Texas (1938)
- The Need for Administrative Control of Groundwater in Texas (1938)
- Water Resources of Austin, Texas (1941)
- Results of Test Drilling by City of Galveston and Conclusions (1941)
- Water Supply near Woodall, in Southwestern Harrison County, Texas (1942)
- Ground-Water Resources in the Area Between Buda and San Marcos, Hays County, Texas (1942)
- Results of Test Drilling by City of Galveston (1943)
- Subsidence in the Texas City area (1949)
- Subsidence in the Houston area (ASCE) (1954)
- How Much Underground Water Storage Capacity Does Texas Have? (Gunnar Brune, 1969)
- Occurrence and Availability of Ground Water in the Vicinity of Commerce,Texas (1971)
- Land-surface subsidence and faulting in TX coastal zone (BEG) (1974)
- Summary Appraisals of the Nation's Ground-Water Resources - Texas-Gulf Region (1974)
- Ground-Water Resources and Model Applications for the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) Aquifer (Tommy Knowles, 1975)
- An Assessment of Surface Water Supplies of Arkansas With Computations of Surplus Supplies and a Conceptual Plan for Import to Texas (1976)
- Reevaluation of State's Groundwater Resources Completed (1976)
- WRI 58-71 Digital Model for Simulated Effects of Ground-Water Pumping in the Hueco Bolson, El Paso Area, Texas, New Mexico, and Mexico (1976)
- Transboundary Aquifers of the El Paso/Ciudad Juarez/Las Cruces Region (1997) part 1 | part 2 due to its size, this report was posted in two parts
- Data and Results from an Aquifer Test Performed at the Medina Water Supply Corporation Well Field, Medina, Texas (1997)
- Ground Water Protection & Management Strategies for the Hill Country Area (1980)
- Report 88-01 Ground-Water Resources of the Anderson County Underground Water Conservation District (1988)
- Report 89-02 Ground Water Investigation and Contamination Potential of a Portion of Val Verde County, Texas (1989)
- TWC 89-01 Ground Water Quality of Texas (1989)
- Guidebook 25 Hydrogeology of the Trans-Pecos Texas (1990)
- Ground Water Protection and Management Strategies for the Hill Country Area (1990)
- R 93-01 Ground Water Protection and Management Strategies for the El Paso County Area (1993)
- Freshwater Inflows to Texas Bays and Estuaries: Ecological Relationships and Methods for Determination of Needs (1994)
- Aquifer Storage and Recovery - report to the 75th Legislature (1997)
- Summary of a GWSIM-IV Model Simulating the Effects of the Edwards Aquifer Authority Critical Period Management Plan for the Regional Water Planning Process (1999)
- Fishery Inventory and Habitat Assessment of Spring Lake at Aquarena Center (2005)
- Draft Socioeconomic Impact of Interbasin Transfers (2007)
- A Review of Concentrate Management for Desalination Plants in Texas (2023)