Bulletin 6212 by F. A. Welder and R. D. Reeves, U.S. Geological Survey | July 1962
- Bulletin 6212 - Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Uvalde County, Texas (pdf - 45 MB)
Plate 1 (pdf - 6.25MB) - Geologic Map of Uvalde County Showing Locations of Wells and Springs
- Plate 1a (pdf - 5.85MB) - Geologic Map Continued
- Plate 2 (pdf - 4.94MB) - Map Showing Location of Wells and Springs in the Vicinity of Uvalde, Uvalde County, Texas
- Plate 3 (pdf - 4.89MB) - Geologic Section A-A', Uvalde County
- Plate 4 (pdf - 4.81MB) - Geologic Section B-B', Uvalde County
- Plate 5 (pdf - 4.79MB) - Geologic Sections in the Leona River Valley, Uvalde County
- Figure 3 (pdf - 4.96MB) - Stratigraphy and lithology of the Edwards and associated limestones, Uvalde County and adjoining areas
- Figure 4 (pdf - 4.82MB) - Stratigraphy and lithology of the Austin chalk, Uvalde County
- Figure 5 (pdf - 4.83MB) - Stratigraphy and lithology of rocks of the Gulf series, Uvalde County
- Figure 7 (pdf - 5.13MB) - Altitude of the top of the Edwards and associated limestones, Uvalde County
- Figure 8 (pdf - 4.81MB) - Map of Uvalde County, showing contours on piezometric surface of water in the Edwards and associated limestones, December 1957
- Figure 11 (pdf - 4.90MB) - Dissolved-solids, sulfate, and chloride concentrations in water from the Edwards and associated limestones, Uvalde County