Flood Financial Assistance Programs
The FY 2022 Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Application cycle has closed. TWDB anticipates the FY23 NOFO to be released in August of 2023. More details on how to apply will be posted on TWDB's FMA webpage.
NFIP Repetitive Loss for Texas by Community
An updated version is in progress
A Repetitive Loss Structure is an NFIP-insured structure that has had at least 2 paid flood losses of more than $1,000 each in any 10-year period since 1978. Please contact Flood Grant if you are a community official and would like to receive more information.
Flood Mitigation Assistance
The Flood Mitigation Assistance grant program, under the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Program, assists states and communities by providing federal funds for cost-effective measures to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to buildings, manufactured homes, and other structures insurable under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Flood Infrastructure Fund Program
The Flood Infrastructure Fund program is a new state-funded source of financial assistance for flood mitigation projects.
Flood Funding Information Clearinghouse
The Flood Information Clearinghouse is the state's first "one-stop-shop" for information on flood mitigation funding opportunities for Texas' communities. It is a cooperative effort between state agencies that administer flood financial assistance programs.