2012 State Water Plan

2012 State Water Plan

The 2012 State Water Plan was adopted by the Board on December 15, 2011, and sent to the Governor on January 5, 2012.

The primary message of the 2012 State Water Plan is a simple one: In serious drought conditions, Texas does not and will not have enough water to meet the needs of its people, its businesses, and its agricultural enterprises.  This plan presents the information regarding the recommended conservation and other types of water management strategies that would be necessary to meet the state's needs in drought conditions, the cost of such strategies, and estimates of the state's financial assistance that would be required to implement these strategies.  The plan also presents the sobering news of the economic losses likely to occur if these water supply needs cannot be met.  As the state continues to experience rapid growth and declining water supplies, implementation of the plan is crucial to ensure public health, safety, and welfare and economic development in the state.

2012 State Water Plan (50MB) | Web Link Changes

2012 State Water Plan - 3,085 Recommended Water Management Strategies (Updated 4/15)

Final 2011 Regional Plan Prioritizations (Updated 2/2/15)


2012 State Water Plan by Chapters


2012 Draft State Water Plan and Public Comments

Water Planning Database

2011 Regional Water Plans