Groundwater Management Area 7

Groundwater management area 7 location map

Contact Information

Sutton County Underground Groundwater Conservation District
Meredith E. Allen
GMA Coordinator
General Manager
Sutton County Underground Water Conservation District
301 South Crockett Avenue
Sonora, Texas 76950
Telephone: 325-387-2369
Fax: 325-387-5737

Regional Water Planning Group Representatives:
Region F: Rhetta Yanez
Region G: Dale Adams
Region J: Genell Hobbs
Region K: Paul Tybor
Region L: Vic Hilderbran

Groundwater Conservation Districts (20 either partially or completely included)

  • Coke County Underground Water Conservation District
  • Crockett County Groundwater Conservation District
  • Glasscock Groundwater Conservation District
  • Hickory Underground Water Conservation District No. 1
  • Hill Country Underground Water Conservation District
  • Irion County Water Conservation District
  • Kimble County Groundwater Conservation District
  • Kinney County Groundwater Conservation District
  • Lipan-Kickapoo Water Conservation District
  • Lone Wolf Groundwater Conservation District
  • Menard County Underground Water District
  • Middle Pecos Groundwater Conservation District
  • Plateau Underground Water Conservation And Supply District
  • Real-Edwards Conservation And Reclamation District
  • Santa Rita Underground Water Conservation District
  • Sterling County Underground Water Conservation District
  • Sutton County Underground Water Conservation District
  • Terrell County Groundwater Conservation District
  • Uvalde County Underground Water Conservation District
  • Wes-Tex Groundwater Conservation District

Other Districts

  • Edwards Aquifer Authority

Additional Groundwater Conservation District Information

Exempt Groundwater Use Estimates

Projected Exempt Groundwater Use Estimates for GMA 7

Aquifers(either partially or completely included)

Component Counties

GMA 7 Reports

ID Date Type Description
GR16-026_MAG_v2 9/21/2018 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR17-013_MP 8/15/2017 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Irion County WCD
R-288 5/1/1984 TWDB numbered report Evaluating the Ground-Water Resources of the High Plains of Texas, Volumes 1-4
R-341 9/1/1993 TWDB numbered report The High Plains Aquifer System of Texas, 1980 to 1990 - Overview and Projections
R-357 8/1/2003 TWDB numbered report Characterization of Playa Basins on the High Plains of Texas
R-359 12/1/2003 TWDB numbered report The Groundwater Resources of the Dockum Aquifer in Texas
HA-10 1/1/1998 Hydrologic atlas Updated Water-Quality Evaluation of the Ogallala Aquifer, Including Selected Metallic and Non-Metallic Inorganic Constituents
R-096 6/1/1969 TWDB numbered report A Statistical Study of the Depth of Precipitable Water in Western Texas and Eastern New Mexico
HA-03 1/1/1995 Hydrologic atlas Water Quality in the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer, Edwards Plateau and Trans-Pecos, Texas
GMA7_DFC_01 7/29/2010 DFC submission Desired future conditions for the Capitan Reef Complex, Dockum, Edwards-Trinity (Plateau), Ellenburger-San Saba, Hickory, Lipan, Marble Falls, Ogallala, and Rustler aquifers
HA-09 1/1/1998 Hydrologic atlas Water Quality in the Rustler Aquifer
HA-08 1/1/1997 Hydrologic atlas Water Quality in the Capitan Reef Aquifer
R-022 5/11/1966 TWDB numbered report Water-Delivery and Low-Flow Studies, Pecos River, Texas - Quantity and Quality, 1964 and 1964
R-255 9/1/1980 TWDB numbered report Occurrence and Quality of Ground Water in the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer in the Trans-Pecos Region of Texas
LP-214 2/1/1995 Limited publication Evaluation of Ground-Water Quality in Texas Counties Bordering the Rio Grande
AA08-06 6/17/2009 Aquifer assessment Desired future condition scenarios for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer - Glasscock, Reagan, Upton and Midland counties
B-6310 12/1/1973 Groundwater bulletin Reconnaissance Investigation of the Ground-Water Resources of the Brazos River Basin, Texas
B-6212 7/1/1962 Groundwater bulletin Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Uvalde County, Texas
B-6216 12/1/1962 Groundwater bulletin Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Kinney County, Texas
R-047 5/1/1967 TWDB numbered report Occurrence and Quality of Ground Water in Crockett County, Texas
R-050 6/1/1967 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Resources of Mitchell and Western Nolan Counties, Texas
R-057 9/1/1967 TWDB numbered report Occurrence and Quality of Ground Water in Coleman County, Texas
R-235 7/1/1979 TWDB numbered report Occurrence, Availability, and Chemical Quality of Ground Water in the Edwards Plateau Region of Texas
R-273 1/1/1983 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Availability of the Lower Cretaceous Formations in the Hill Country of South-Central Texas
R-353 9/1/2000 TWDB numbered report Groundwater Availability of the Trinity Aquifer, Hill Country Area, Texas: Numerical Simulations through 2050
R-360 2/9/2004 TWDB numbered report Conference Proceedings: Aquifers of the Edwards Plateau
R-224 10/1/1978 TWDB numbered report Occurrence, Quantity, and Quality of Ground Water in Taylor County, Texas
R-337 3/1/1992 TWDB numbered report Evaluation of Water Resources in Parts of the Rolling Prairies Region of North-Central Texas
R-342 8/1/1993 TWDB numbered report Water-Quality Evaluation of the Ogallala Aquifer, Texas
R-346 3/1/1996 TWDB numbered report The Paleozoic and Related Aquifers of Central Texas
R-339 8/1/1992 TWDB numbered report Evaluation of Ground-Water Resources of the Paleozoic and Cretaceous Aquifers in the Hill Country of Central Texas
R-330 7/1/1991 TWDB numbered report Evaluation of Ground-Water Resources in the Southern High Plains of Texas
R-180 3/1/1974 TWDB numbered report Reconnaissance of the Chemical Quality of Surface Waters of the Rio Grande Basin, Texas
R-071 3/1/1968 TWDB numbered report Reconnaissance of the Chemical Quality of the Surface Waters of the Colorado River Basin, Texas
B-6519 8/1/1965 Groundwater bulletin Ground-Water Conditions in Menard County, Texas
B-6017 2/1/1961 Groundwater bulletin Ground-Water Geology of the Hickory Sandstone Member of the Riley Formation, McCulloch County, Texas
B-6208 4/1/1962 Groundwater bulletin Ground-Water Geology of Edwards County, Texas
R-078 5/1/1968 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Resources of Upton County, Texas
R-132 8/1/1971 TWDB numbered report Water Well and Ground-Water Chemical Analysis Data, Schleicher County, Texas
R-145 4/1/1972 TWDB numbered report Water Wells and Ground-Water Chemical Analysis Data, Reagan County, Texas
R-146 4/1/1972 TWDB numbered report Water Well and Ground-Water Chemical Analysis Data, Irion County, Texas
R-148 5/1/1972 TWDB numbered report Water Well and Ground-Water Chemical Analysis Data, Sterling County, Texas
R-166 3/1/1973 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Resources of Coke County, Texas
R-172 6/1/1973 TWDB numbered report Ground-Water Resources of Val Verde County, Texas
GR11-013_MP 10/4/2011 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Menard County UWCD
AA08-07 8/31/2010 Aquifer assessment Desired future condition scenarios for the Hickory Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
AA08-08 8/31/2010 Aquifer assessment Desired future condition scenarios for the Ellenburger-San Saba Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
AA10-04 9/10/2010 Aquifer assessment Desired future condition scenarios for the Ellenburger-San Saba Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
AA10-05 9/10/2010 Aquifer assessment Desired future condition scenarios for the Hickory Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR11-003_MP 7/29/2011 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Santa Rita UWCD
GT10-033 1/3/2011 GAM task Average drawdown for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) and Pecos Valley aquifers within management zones in Middle Pecos GCD
GR10-026_MP 8/24/2010 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Sterling County UWCD
GT10-027_D 2/9/2011 GAM task Predictive simulations for the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) and Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) aquifers in Kinney County GCD
GR10-022_MP 7/9/2010 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Uvalde County UWCD
GT10-025 6/10/2010 GAM task Predictive simulations for the Dockum Aquifer
GR10-018_MP 7/27/2010 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Menard County UWD
GR10-002 9/3/2010 GAM run Simulations of current operational practices in the Lipan Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR10-001 6/21/2010 GAM run Predictive simulations for the Dockum Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR09-027 6/21/2010 GAM run Predictive simulations for the Ogallala and Edwards-Trinity (High Plains) aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR09-013_MP 8/6/2009 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Wes-Tex GCD
GR08-086_MP 1/5/2009 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Real Edwards Conservation and Reclamation District
GR09-035_D 8/7/2010 GAM run Predictive simulations for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) and Pecos Valley aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR08-075_MP 1/23/2009 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Middle Pecos GCD
GR08-074_MP 12/9/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Kimble County GCD
GR08-067_MP 9/3/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for the Edwards Aquifer Authority
GR08-052_MP 7/11/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Sutton County UWCD
GR08-051_MP 7/9/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Plateau UWC and Supply District
GR08-048_MP 1/23/2009 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Lone Wolf GCD
GR08-034_MP 5/28/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Hickory UWCD No. 1
GR08-027_MP 5/21/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Crockett County GCD
GR08-025_MP 5/21/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Glasscock GCD
GR08-013_MP 4/8/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Sterling County UWCD
GR08-012_MP 4/8/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Irion County WCD
GR08-008_MP 1/25/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Lipan-Kickapoo GCD
GR07-039_MP 4/8/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Coke County GCD
GR07-037 4/9/2008 GAM run Predictive simulation for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR07-032 12/11/2007 GAM run Historic and predictive simulation for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR07-022_MP 6/5/2007 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Santa Rita UWCD
GR07-013 10/5/2007 GAM run Predictive simulation for the Lipan Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR07-010 3/23/2007 GAM run Recharge calculations for the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) and Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) aquifers in Kinney County GCD
GR07-003 6/13/2007 GAM run Predictive simulation for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR06-015_MP 9/1/2011 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Lipan Kickapoo WCD
GR06-016 2/2/2007 GAM run Effects on river flow of various pumping scenarios in the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer in Terrell and Val Verde counties
GR06-011_MP 7/12/2006 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Real-Edwards Conservation and Reclamation District
GR05-037_MP 11/18/2005 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Sterling County UWCD
GR05-030 7/15/2005 GAM run Recharge information for the Carrizo-Wilcox, Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) and Trinity aquifers in Uvalde County
GR05-008 2/17/2005 GAM run Water budget for Reagan County
GR05-007 2/11/2005 GAM run Recharge areas in Kinney County's portions of Edwards BFZ Aquifer and Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer (Nueces River and Rio Grande basins)
GR04-020 10/7/2004 GAM run Effects of a new well field in Middle Pecos GCD
GR04-017 10/7/2004 GAM run Recharge rates for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer in Nolan County (Wes-Tex GCD)
GR03-016 8/11/2003 GAM run Average annual recharge and total available storage for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer in Emerald UWCD
GR03-003 5/15/2003 GAM run Effects of increasing well production in western Midland county
GR10-033_MAG 11/18/2011 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the Ogallala Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR02-001 3/21/2003 GAM run County water budget for the Trinity (Hill Country) Aquifer GAM
GR02-002 3/21/2003 GAM run County water budget for the Trinity (Hill Country) Aquifer GAM
AA08-05 10/22/2009 Aquifer assessment Desired future condition scenarios for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR12-010_MP 7/2/2012 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan data for Lipan-Kickapoo WCD
GR12-004_MP 7/20/2012 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan data for Crockett County GCD
AA10-13_MAG 11/18/2011 Aquifer assessment MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Rustler Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
AA10-10_MAG 11/1/2011 Aquifer assessment MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Ellenburger-San Saba Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
AA10-11_MAG 11/1/2011 Aquifer assessment MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Hickory Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
AA10-12_MAG 11/1/2011 Aquifer assessment MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Marble Falls Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
AA10-09_MAG 11/18/2011 Aquifer assessment MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Capitan Reef Complex Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
AA10-13_MAG 11/18/2011 Aquifer assessment MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Rustler Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR08-026_MP 5/7/2008 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Hill Country UWCD
GR12-015_MP 9/4/2012 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan data for Hill Country UWCD
GR12-020_MP 10/19/2012 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan data for Glasscock GCD
CR-0904830820 4/1/2010 Contract report Application of PEST to Re-Calibrate the Groundwater Availability Model for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) and Pecos Valley Aquifers
AA10-26_MAG 8/19/2011 Aquifer assessment - MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Austin Chalk Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR10-043_MAG_Ver2 11/12/2012 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau), Pecos Valley, and Trinity aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR12-019_MP 11/16/2012 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan data for Coke County UWCD
GR12-017_MP 11/16/2012 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan data for Irion County WCD
GR10-040_MAG_Ver2 2/22/2012 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the Dockum Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR10-062_MAG_Ver2 2/28/2012 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the Lipan Aquifer in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR12-014_MP 2/11/2013 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan data for Kinney County GCD
GR13-012_MP 4/23/2013 GAM run - Management Plan Management Plan data for Terrell County GCD
GR13-015_MP 6/27/2013 GAM run - Management Plan Management Plan data for Lone Wolf GCD
GR13-018_MP 7/3/2013 GAM run - Management Plan Management Plan data for Kimble County GCD
GR13-005_MP 7/17/2013 GAM run - Management Plan Management Plan Information for Sutton County UWCD
GR13-009_MP 7/17/2013 GAM run - Management Plan Management Plan Information For Plateau UWCD and SD
GT13-030_TERS 10/2/2013 GAM task - Total Estimated Recoverable Storage Total Estimated Recoverable Storage for aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR13-023_MP 12/18/2013 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Real-Edwards Conservation and Reclamation District
GR13-030_MP 2/18/2014 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan data for Wes-Tex GCD
GR14-010_MP 3/26/2014 GAM run - Management Plan Management Plan data for Middle Pecos GCD
GR15-009_MP 3/18/2015 GAM run - Management Plan Management Plan data for Edwards Aquifer Authority
GR15-008_MP 7/2/2015 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan data for Menard County UWCD
GR15-006_MP 6/26/2015 GAM run - Management Plan Management Plan data for Uvalde County UWCD
GR17-028_MP 3/27/2017 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Menard County UWD
GR17-012_MP 3/28/2017 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Sterling County UWCD
GR17-022_MP 3/28/2017 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Crockett County GCD
GR17-002_MP 4/4/2017 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Santa Rita UWCD
GR17-005_MP 5/26/2017 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Lipan-Kickapoo Water Conservation District
GR17-009_MP 1/30/2018 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Hill Country UWCD
GR17-014_MP 6/1/2018 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Coke County UWCD
GR13-010_MP 6/4/2018 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Hickory UWCD no.1
GR18-007_MP 7/13/2018 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Hickory UWCD #1
GR18-015_MP 9/28/2018 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Kimble County GCD
GR18-022_MP 2/11/2019 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Glasscock GCD
GR19-004_MP 2/27/2019 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Lone Wolf GCD
GR19-012_MP 6/13/2019 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Wes-Tex GCD
GR19-021_MP 2/20/2020 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Middle Pecos GCD
GR21-004_MP 10/11/2021 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Menard County UWCD
GR21-012_MAG 8/12/2022 GAM run - MAG Modeled available groundwater estimates for the aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 7
GR22-011_MP 11/8/2022 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Kinney County GCD
GR22-013_MP 11/8/2022 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Lipan-Kickapoo WCD
GR22-014_MP 1/23/2023 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Irion County WCD
GR22-016_MP 1/31/2023 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Sterling County UWCD
Special Legislative Report 12/7/2018 Special legislative report Overview of Groundwater Conditions in Val Verde County, Texas
GMR23-01; Special Legislative Report 2/10/2023 Groundwater management report; special legislative report Groundwater Use Planning Strategies and Best Management Practices for Drought Scenarios, Val Verde County, Texas
GR23-011_MP 06/01/2023 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Sutton County UWCD
GR23-002_MP 07/17/2023 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Terrell County GCD
GR23-019_MP 08/16/2023 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Hickory UWCD #1
GR23-006_MP 08/23/2023 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Crockett County GCD
Contract-8-REC-003 February 1988 TWDB contract report Evaluation of the Hickory Aquifer and Its Relationship to Katemcy Creek and Its Major Tributaries for Beneficial Artificial Recharge, McCulloch and Mason Counties, Texas
GR23-021_MP 09/22/2023 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Coke County UWCD
GR23-004_MP 05/31/2023 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Hill Country UWCD
GR23-023_MP 12/14/2023 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Plateau Underground Water Conservation & Supply District
GR23-026_MP 01/19/2024 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Kimble County GCD
GR24-005_MP 03/01/2024 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Lone Wolf GCD
GR24-009_MP 09/16/2024 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Wes-Tex Groundwater Conservation District
GR24-010_MP 10/28/2024 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Glasscock GCD
GR24-011_MP 11/15/2024 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Santa Rita UWCD
GR24-014_MP 12/18/2024 GAM run - Management Plan Management plan information for Real-Edwards Conservation and Reclamation District