Desired Future Conditions Documents

The following documents provide information on desired future conditions. Visit the pages in the sidebar for to see desired future conditions submittals and modeled available groundwater reports from past rounds of joint planning.

For a quick reference on the timeline for joint groundwater planning, check out this flow chart.

Information for Submittals

Desired Future Conditions- TWDB Checklist for Submittals Explanatory Reports and Model Files
A recommendation to groundwater management areas on desired future conditions package contents that the TWDB will use in evaluation of administrative completeness.
Explanatory Report for Submittal of Desired Future Conditions to the Texas Water Development Board
Information for groundwater management areas on the required components of a desired future condition submittal and elements of the explanatory report.
How to Submit a Groundwater Availability Model Run or Aquifer Assessment for the Development of Modeled Available Groundwater
A recommendation to groundwater management areas on submitting model files and other technical data to the TWDB for the development of modeled available groundwater.
How to Submit Desired Future Conditions to the Texas Water Development Board
An information sheet detailing what TWDB expects to receive in submission packets for desired future conditions.

More Information

Going from Desired Future Conditions to Modeled Available Groundwater
How the TWDB estimates Modeled Available Groundwater (MAG) from desired future conditions (DFCs).
Dry Cells and Drawdown Averaging for Desired Future Conditions
Explanation of Dry Cells and drawdown averaging for desired future conditions.
The TWDB's Role in Joint Groundwater Planning.
Explains the TWDB's role in joint groundwater planning and includes commonly asked questions regarding the joining groundwater planning process, including information on relevant and non-relevant aquifers, and how DFC statements should be expressed.
The Role of Modeled Available Groundwater in Regional Water Planning
Explains the role of modeled available groundwater in the regional water planning process.
A Streetcar Named Desired Future Conditions: The New Groundwater Availability for Texas (2008)
A paper presented at the State Bar of Texas 'The Changing Face of Water Rights in Texas' conference held in Bastrop, May 8-9, 2008. This paper discusses groundwater management areas, desired future conditions, and the role of managed available groundwater.
A Desired Future Condition and Aquifer Slivers in Groundwater Management Areas (2008)
The majority of groundwater management areas have small areas, or slivers, of aquifers that exist within their boundaries. Because of their size these slivers may not currently be used either as a supply that is permitted by a groundwater district or have exempt wells withdrawing groundwater. The purpose of this paper is to identify these areas and to recommend how groundwater conservation districts in groundwater management areas may consider desired future conditions in these areas.
Balancing the Groundwater Checking Account Through House Bill 1763 (2007)
An analysis report on the impacts of House Bill 1763 on groundwater management practices in the State of Texas. Includes discussion of practices prior to bill, changes in practices created by the bill, an introduction into what the desired future condition of an aquifer is, and a description of how to translate a Desired Future Condition into managed available groundwater.
Participation by Unconfirmed Groundwater Conservation Districts in the Groundwater Management Area Process (2007)
Opinion issued by the legal department of the Texas Water Development Board regarding participation of unconfirmed groundwater conservation districts in their respective groundwater management area.