Geophysical Well Log Viewers

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Well Viewers

  • Groundwater Data Viewer (Texas) The TWDB's viewer contains several GIS datasets relating to water resources, including TWDB groundwater data, geophysical logs used for brackish groundwater studies (a subset of BRACS Database wells), and data from the Submitted Driller's Reports Database.
  • RRC Public GIS Viewer (Texas) The RRC's Public GIS Viewer allows users to view oil, gas and pipeline data in a map view.
  • RRC Oil and Gas Well Logs (Texas) The RRC’s online database of well logs that can be accessed through Neubus by keyword searches (e.g. API number, lease name, county)
  • USGS GeoLog locator The USGS web-based tool allows users to search digital borehole geophysical logs and related data files.
  • BEG Surface Casing Estimator (Texas) BEG website that provides estimates of well casing depths in Texas.
  • BEG Geologic Data CONTINUUM (Texas) The CONTINUUM Geologic Database is a searchable database for all CRC core and well cutting holdings. This database viewer also contains digital geophysical logs from the Geophysical Log Facility (GLF).