Welcome to the Texas Water Development Board Application for Financial Assistance
Applicants for the Flood Infrastructure Fund program should visit FIF Applications and Pre-Application Webinars
This application is required for all loan and grant assistance for water and wastewater infrastructure financing through the TWDB programs. You may either use our recently released On-line Application or the hardcopy version (TWDB-0148). Both can be accessed at the links below.
This page contains the forms and links necessary to assist applicants in completing an application for financial assistance for water and wastewater infrastructure projects. The application is set up as a Microsoft Office Word form; use the tab key or mouse to move the cursor forward to the next question. Please make certain your entity system's name as well as the attachment section and number appears on every attachment. Additional pages may be submitted.
For hard copy submittals each applicant must submit one double-sided copy and one indexed electronic copy, via electronic storage media, such as CD or flash drive, using MS Word, Excel or Adobe Acrobat.
In order to provide you with a single point of contact at the TWDB, our project implementation staff is organized into seven regional project implementation teams. Each team is led by a manager that serves as the primary point of contact for both our existing and future customers. For assistance with the application or any questions related to your project, please look up contact information for your Regional Team.
- Online Application for Financial Assistance
- Financial Assistance Review Process
- Application for Financial Assistance (TWDB-0148)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Application for Financial Assistance - Non-Governmental/Private Entities (TWDB-0150)
- Frequently Asked Questions (Non-Governmental/Private Entities)
Search Guidance and Forms Library for the latest guidance documents and forms.