Utility Profile

Utility Profile (User Portal)

Utility Profiles are to be submitted with your Water Conservation Plan every 5 years by May 1st

The purpose of the Utility Profile is to assist you with developing your Water Conservation Plan and to ensure that important information and data about your utility's system be considered when preparing your plan and its target and goals. Completing the utility profile is the first step in developing a Water Conservation Plan.

If submitting a water conservation plan for the first time, the utility profile cannot be accessed via our online system. You will need to develop one independently.

If you have an existing water conservation plan your utility profile should be completed online.

How to prepare a Utility Profile

It is important that the utility profile be created online since pertinent historic data from previously submitted reports flows in-order from Water Use Survey, Water Loss Audit, and Annual Report, and may be used to pre-populate certain fields.

These Reports Must be Completed in Order:

  1. Water Use Survey
  2. Water Loss Audit
  3. Annual Conservation Report
  4. Utility Profile
  5. Water Conservation Plan

Please Note: Although you will see all the report names, you may not have access to all of them. For example, you might complete the Water Use Survey but not the Water Loss Audit or the Annual Report, but you will be able to see who has access to the other reports. The Utility Profile must be submitted before your new Water Conservation Plan can be uploaded.

Review the Water Conservation Plan Checklist (TWDB Form - 1968) and complete additional components necessary to submit a Water Conservation Plan.

For additional information, please contact TWDB's Municipal Water Conservation team at wcpteam@twdb.texas.gov or 512-475-1639.