Surface Water Resources


To collect, analyze, and disseminate data related to hydro-meteorological and surface water conditions across the state and to provide technical expertise in support of water supply and flood planning. Division activities include: (1) data collection, evaluation and dissemination; (2) model development and interpretation; (3) performance of investigations, surveys and research studies; (4) preparation of reports; (5) administration of Board-sponsored research contracts with universities, government agencies and private companies; and, (6) technical evaluation and review of reports and applications for financial assistance.

Products and Services of Business

Data, models and studies are provided to state water planners, regulators, lake and reservoir owners, and other decision-makers as required.  Publications are made available to the state library system.  Most surface water data collected by the Surface Water Resources Division, including lake hydrographic survey data, is published, a significant portion of which is made available to TWDB's customers, partners, and other interested parties via the agency website.  Additional data is made available upon request.

Solicitation of Stakeholder Ideas for Projects to Support Surface Water Science

Submission period is closed. Check back here for updates.

The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) solicits stakeholder ideas to advance surface water science in Texas during the 2024 – 2025 biennium. While the TWDB carries out routine data collection, monitoring, and modeling activities to support Surface Water programs, by soliciting ideas, we aim to have a more comprehensive view of projects that can benefit our stakeholders and provide a greater understanding of surface water resources in Texas.

Project ideas should support one of two strategies focused on planning and guiding the conservation and management of the state’s water resources, specifically:

  • Strategy A.1.1 Environmental Impact Information, including to collect, analyze, and facilitate access to data and information to support a sound ecological environment in streams, rivers, bays, and estuaries; and
  • Strategy A.1.2 Water Resources Data, including to collect, analyze, and facilitate access to data and information in support of planning, conservation, and responsible development of surface water and groundwater and to determine the quantity and quality of water available and environmental flow needs.

In September, the TWDB will evaluate submitted project ideas according to the scoring criteria. The TWDB welcomes all ideas that advance surface water science but will give preference to projects that align with the goals listed below and which support the agency strategies noted above. The TWDB’s goals to advance surface water science in the following areas include:

  • Environmental Flows –
    • quantifying, characterizing, or monitoring a sound ecological environment for Texas rivers and estuaries
    • providing for studies and methodologies to support the adaptive management of environmental flow standards in Texas
    • developing and implementing strategies to expand and ensure environmental flow protection in Texas rivers and estuaries
    • understanding the impact of water management strategies on environmental flows in Texas rivers and estuaries
  • Water Availability –
    • developing datasets for understanding changes in water availability in Texas
    • developing new methods to enhance water availability for people and the environment, including developing studies to address data and information gaps (e.g., skillful sub-seasonal to seasonal rainfall forecasts, model calibrations, viability assessments, etc.) to enhance the potential applicability of forecast informed reservoir operations in Texas
    • developing datasets of future projected runoff or naturalized flows for water availability modeling in Texas
  • Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions – advancing the science and understanding of the relationship between these water resources
  • Sediment Science – developing datasets and models to better understand sediment transport and composition in lakes, rivers, and estuaries
  • Drought Science –
    • developing datasets and products for improved forecasting of drought
      • to better understand impacts to water conditions at the subseasonal-to-seasonal timescale and
      • to better quantify future drought risk exposure in Texas
  • Water Data and Modeling Services –
    • improving and expanding datasets for monitoring and modeling surface water conditions
    • improving or updating hydrologic, hydraulic, and hydrodynamic models

Please use the links below to download the scoring criteria and access the idea submission form. Please send questions and comments to

Solicitation of Stakeholder Ideas for Projects to Support Surface Water Science Submission Form

Download the Scoring Criteria

For questions about Surface Water, please refer to Contacts Page