Conservation Information Dashboard for Water Supply Planning
- GPCD Statistics
- Reporting Requirements
- Trends and Targets
- BMPs and Projects
- BMP Implementation
- Definitions
Historical Water User Group Planning GPCD Statistics by Region
This interactive dashboard displays historical municipal water user group planning gallons per capita per day (GPCD) statistics by water supply planning region.
GPCD is a common metric and planning tool used to assess water use, understand system needs, and evaluate conservation implementation. Historical GPCD trends inform the selection of the dry-year baseline GPCD value used to develop regional water plan water demand projections and can be useful to consider when setting GPCD goals or targets.
The statistics displayed here are based on historical municipal water user group planning GPCDs calculated from self-reported water use from the Water Use Survey and TWDB estimated water user group permanent population. Permanent populations are estimated from population reported in the Water Use Survey and other supplemental information, such as U.S. Census Bureau data, GIS data, and connections data. Water user group permanent populations are reconciled to U.S. Census Bureau county population estimates. Refer to the Definitions page for more information.
Note: The charts and tables are based upon static data that is updated annually as additional or more accurate data become available through water use survey responses. Average GPCD is not weighted by water volume or water user group population size.
To view the interactive data: The default setting for this graphic shows average planning GPCD for all planning regions and all utility sizes. To filter by region and/or utility size, select the region and/or utility size of your choice. To select more than one region or utility size, hold down the control key while making your selection. Use the reset button at the top right to reset the filters.
Data Source | Data | As of Date |
Water Use Survey | Water User Group Planning GPCD 2016-2021 | January 2024 |
TWDB Regional Water Planning Areas Map | RWP Map | February 2021 |
Water Use, Loss, and Conservation Reporting Requirements
This interactive dashboard provides an overview of reporting requirements for the TWDB Water Use Survey, Water Loss Audit, Water Conservation Plan, and Water Conservation Plan Annual Report. Refer to the Definitions page for more information.
Note: Tables are based upon static data that is updated annually to reflect current report requirements and deadlines. Data presented below is as of March 2024.
To view the interactive data: Use the filters at the top of the page to find information for a particular region, county, or entity. Use the reset button at the top right to reset the filters.
Data Source | Data | As of Date |
TWDB Data for Charts | Water Use, Loss, and Conservation Reporting Requirements | March 2024 |
TWDB Regional Water Planning Areas Map | RWP Map | February 2021 |
Water Conservation Plan | Water Conservation Plan Webpage | N/A |
Water Conservation Plan Annual Report | Water Conservation Plan Annual Report Webpage | N/A |
Water Loss Audit | Water Loss Audit Webpage | N/A |
Water Use Survey | Water Use Survey Webpage | N/A |
Gallons Per Capita Per Day Trends and Targets
This interactive data dashboard displays gallons per capita per day (GPCD) trends and targets for 2022 State Water Plan water user groups and associated active public water systems. Trends in GPCD can be used to assess water use, system needs, and conservation implementation.* They can also be useful to consider when setting GPCD goals or targets. Two distinct types of GPCD and GPCD targets are presented in the dashboard and described further below. Although not directly comparable, these distinct GPCDs and GPCD targets are presented together as a way to highlight their differences.
Planning GPCD (WUG GPCD) is a water user group level GPCD calculated by dividing total net use by the permanent population of the municipal water user group, divided by 365. Total net use is based on self-reported data from the Water Use Survey. Water user group permanent population is based on TWDB estimates that consider data from the Water Use Survey and other supplemental information, such as U.S. Census Bureau data, GIS data, and connections data. Note that planning GPCD does not include retail volumes sold to large industrial facilities. Trends in historical water user group planning GPCD inform the selection of the dry-year baseline GPCD value used to develop regional water plan water demand projections.
Total GPCD is a public water system level GPCD calculated by dividing the total system input volume by the total permanent population of the system, divided by 365. Total system input is based on self-reported data from the Water Use Survey that populates the Water Conservation Plan Annual Reports. Permanent system population is based on self-reported data from the Water Use Survey. Note that total GPCD includes retail volumes sold to large industrial facilities.
Total-Five Year Target is the total GPCD target set by an entity in their most recent Water Conservation Plan, to be achieved in five years.
Total-Ten Year Target is the total GPCD target set by an entity in their most recent Water Conservation Plan, to be achieved in ten years.
WUG-2021 RWP Target is a water user group level GPCD goal recommended by regional water planning groups in the 2021 Regional Water Plans. For more information, see Chapter 5 or an associated appendix of the 2021 Regional Water Plans.
Note: Charts and tables are based upon static data that are updated annually as additional or more accurate data become available. Data for regional water authorities, county-other water user groups, and entities not required to submit a Water Conservation Annual Report are excluded from this data set and will appear blank when selected. Some additional data have been removed due to data quality issues.
For information on Water Conservation Annual Report data, please contact
To view the interactive data: Select an entity using the filters on the left. Use the reset button at the top right to reset the filters. If data is not available for an entity, tables and graph will appear blank. If no entities are selected, an average of all entities will display.
Data Source | Data | As of Date |
Water Use Survey | Water User Group Planning GPCD 2016-2021 | January 2024 |
2022 State Water Plan | 2021 RWP Municipal GPCD Goals | July 2021 |
Water Conservation Plan Annual Report | Total GPCD and Targets 2016-2022 | January 2024 |
Water Conservation Plan | Most Recent Total GPCD Targets | January 2024 |
* Many factors can impact an entity's GPCD, such as climate, weather, unaccounted for water loss, and effective conservation programs. Drought conditions typically result in increased water use and higher GPCD. As such, precipitation is often considered when evaluating GPCD. Although not presented in this dashboard, county level annual precipitation data is available to download from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Municipal Conservation Best Management Practices and Recommended Projects
This interactive data dashboard displays municipal conservation best management practices (BMPs) reported as implemented in recent Water Conservation Plan Annual Reports and recommended municipal conservation projects from the 2021 Regional Water Plans.
BMPs can be used to align recommended conservation strategies in the regional water plan with conservation measures that utilities report in their water conservation plans and water conservation annual reports. BMPs associated with municipal conservation water management strategies can be found in Chapter 5 or an associated appendix of the 2021 Regional Water Plans.
Note: Tables are based upon static data that are updated annually as additional data become available. Regional water plan data is updated every five years.
To view the interactive data: Use the filters on the left to view data for a particular entity or region. Use the reset button at the top right to reset the filters.
Data Source | Data | As of Date |
Water Conservation Plan Annual Report | Best Management Practices Implemented 2016-2022 | January 2024 |
2022 State Water Planning Database (DB22) | Recommended Municipal Conservation Projects and Components | January 2024 |
TWDB Regional Water Planning Areas Map | RWP Map | February 2021 |
Recently Implemented Best Management Practices by Region
This interactive data dashboard displays municipal conservation best management practices (BMPs) that utilities reported as implemented in recent Water Conservation Plan Annual Reports by BMP Category and BMP.
Individual municipal conservation BMPs are generally organized into eight categories:
- Conservation Analysis and Planning
- Conservation Technology
- Education & Public Awareness
- Financial
- Landscaping
- Rebate, Retrofit, and Incentive Programs
- Regulatory & Enforcement
- Systems Operations
For more information on municipal conservation BMPs, including descriptions, implementation practices, and cost considerations, visit the TWDB Water Conservation Best Management Practices webpage.
Note: These charts are based upon static data that are updated annually as additional data become available. Note that water reuse BMPs related to reuse for agriculture, industry, on-site irrigation, plant washdown, and chlorination/dechlorination are not shown.
To view the interactive data: Use the filters on the left to view data for a particular region, year, or BMP Category. Use the reset button at the top right to reset the filters.
Data Source | Data | As of Date |
Water Conservation Plan Annual Report | Best Management Practices Implemented 2016-2022 | January 2024 |
TWDB Regional Water Planning Areas Map | RWP Map | February 2021 |
Definitions of Terms
General Terms
- Best Management Practices (BMPs) - Strategies or activities that save a quantifiable amount of water, either directly or indirectly, and can be implemented to achieve water conservation goals. Visit the TWDB Water Conservation Best Management Practices webpage for more information.
- Public Water System (PWS) - A system that provides potable water for public use and has at least 15 service connections or serves at least 25 individuals at least 60 days out of the year. Each PWS has an associated PWS identification number (PWS ID). A PWS will be classified as a standalone Water User Group (WUG) if it meets criteria in 31 TAC §357.10(43). Note that not all PWSs have a one-to-one relationship with a WUG, there can be multiple PWSs assigned to one WUG. Additionally, PWSs that do not meet the criteria of a standalone WUG will be grouped under the “county-other” WUG for the associated county.
- Water User Group (WUG) - Entities for which water demand projections are developed by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and that form the underlying (and highest resolution) basis for each regional water plan and the state water plan. There are six categories of water user groups: municipal, irrigation, manufacturing, livestock, mining, and steam-electric power. This dashboard provides data on municipal water user groups.
GPCD Types
- GPCD - Gallons per capita per day (GPCD) is a common metric and planning tool used by municipalities, water utilities, and regional planners to assess water use, understand system needs, and evaluate conservation implementation. There are several types of GPCDs. This dashboard includes two distinct types of GPCD: planning GPCD and total GPCD.
Planning GPCD (WUG GPCD) - WUG-level GPCD calculated by dividing the total net use (total intake minus total wholesales) by the permanent population of the municipal WUG, divided by 365. Retail volumes sold to large industrial facilities are not included in planning GPCD.
Historical planning GPCDs presented in this dashboard are calculated from self-reported water use from the Water Use Survey and TWDB estimated WUG permanent population. WUG permanent populations are estimated from population reported in the Water Use Survey and other supplemental information, such as U.S. Census Bureau data, GIS data, and connections data. WUG permanent populations are reconciled to U.S. Census Bureau county population estimates.
Historical WUG planning GPCDs inform the selection of the dry-year baseline GPCD value used to develop regional water plan water demand projections.
Total GPCD - Total GPCD presented in this dashboard represents public water system level GPCD calculated by dividing the total system input volume (water produced plus wholesale water imported minus wholesale water exported and adjusted by meter accuracy estimates) divided by the total permanent population of the system divided by 365.
Total system input is based on self-reported data from the Water Use Survey that populates the Water Conservation Plan Annual Reports. Permanent system population is based on self-reported data from the Water Use Survey. Note that total GPCD includes retail volumes sold to large industrial facilities.
- Total-Five Year Target - The total GPCD target set by an entity in their most recent Water Conservation Plan, to be achieved in five years.
- Total-Ten Year Target - The total GPCD target set by an entity in their most recent Water Conservation Plan, to be achieved in ten years.
- WUG-2021 RWP Target - WUG-level GPCD goals recommended by regional water planning groups in the 2021 Regional Water Plans. Methodologies for recommending GPCD goals varied by region in the 2021 Regional Water Plans. Most, but not all, goals were based on dry-year conditions. For more information, see Chapter 5 or an associated appendix of the 2021 Regional Water Plans. For the 2026 Regional Water Plans, GPCD goals set by regional water planning groups must, at a minimum, be based on drought conditions to align with guidance principles in 31 TAC §358.3.
Report Types
- Water Conservation Plan (WCP) - A WCP is a plan drafted by an entity containing a strategy or combination of strategies for reducing the consumption of water, reducing the loss or waste of water, and/or improving or maintaining the efficiency in the use of water. Entities with 3,300 connections or more, loans greater than $500,000 from the TWDB, or having a TCEQ surface water right are required to prepare and submit a WCP to the TWDB every five years by May 1st.
- Water Conservation Plan Annual Report (WCP Annual Report) - WCP Annual Reports evaluate an entity's progress toward implementation of their WCP and effectiveness of their conservation program. All entities with a WCP are required to submit a WCP Annual Report by May 1st of every year.
- Water Loss Audit (WLA) - All retail public water suppliers with more than 3,300 connections or a financial obligation to TWDB are required to complete and submit a WLA by May 1st of every year. All other retail public water suppliers are required to submit a WLA to the agency every five years. The next deadline for entities required to submit a WLA every five years is May 1, 2026.
- Water Use Survey (WUS) - An annual survey required for public water systems, manufacturers, mining facilities, electric power generating plants, and entities using large volumes of groundwater or surface water. WUS data are used to calculate planning GPCD values and baseline historical non-municipal water use estimates for the regional and state water plans. Surveys are due to the TWDB by March 1st of every year. Visit the Historical Water Use Summary and Data Dashboard for more information on Water Use Survey data.