Geographic Information System (GIS) Data

BRACS logo

GIS data are available as shapefiles and rasters in compressed .zip or .zipx formats. See the BRACS database data dictionary for field name explanations.

BRACS program point datasets

GIS point data for well locations exported from the BRACS database, updated quarterly. The database is a “living” database, and interpretations may be modified by overlapping studies. If you need identical data to a specific BRACS study, download the BRACS study dataset.

These datasets use the geographic coordinate system NAD83. All depth values are in feet.

Updated March 2024.

Locations of BRACS point data including, 1. Well locations. 2. Geophysical logs. 3. Stratigraphic interpretations. 4. Lithologic interpretations. 5. Water quality calculations. and 6. Measured water quality.

BRACS well locations

The locations of all wells in the BRACS database.

BRACS geophysical logs

Download logs directly by copying and pasting the weblink text into an internet browser.

BRACS stratigraphic interpretations

Depth in feet of the top and bottom of geologic formations.

BRACS lithologic interpretations

Depth in feet of the top and bottom of interpreted lithologies.

BRACS water quality calculations

Total dissolved solid concentrations calculated from geophysical well logs.

BRACS measured water quality

Measured water quality analyses manually entered into the BRACS database from various sources. Some of these data are duplicates of sample data housed in the TWDB Groundwater Database.

BRACS study datasets

GIS datasets for completed BRACS studies. These datasets use a custom projected coordinate system based on the geographic coordinate system NAD83 and the Albers projection, which may be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

Blaine Aquifer (Contract Number 1600011948)

Blossom Aquifer (Contract Number 1600011951)

Eastern Portion of the Sparta Aquifer (Report 390)

Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer (IN PROGRESS)

Gulf Coast Aquifer (Contract Number 1600011947)

Gulf Coast Aquifer, Lower Rio Grande Valley (Report 383)

Hill Country Trinity aquifer (Report 388)

Lipan Aquifer (Report 384)

Nacatoch Aquifer (Contract Number 1600011952)

Northern Trinity Aquifer (Technical Note 19-1)

Pecos Valley Aquifer (Report 382)

Rustler Aquifer (Contract Number 1600011949)

Upper Coastal Plains aquifers, Central Texas (Report 385)

Brackish Groundwater Production Zone (BGPZ) boundaries

BGPZ boundaries designated as of 3/28/2019

Map of currently designated brackish groundwater production zones.Polygons of current brackish groundwater production zones designated by the TWDB.

Other state-wide datasets

Total Dissolved Solid Values for Wells from the Groundwater Database

Total Dissolved Solid Values for Wells from the Groundwater DatabasePoint locations of the most recent water quality samples for Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) obtained from wells in the Texas Water Development Board Groundwater Database. Geographic projection is NAD83. The data was assembled with queries in the Microsoft Access Groundwater Database. Well sites may be viewed and queried online in an interactive map: Water Data Interactive (WDI). This file was updated in 2020. More information is available in the metadata included with the files.

Lateral Extent of Brackish Aquifers in Texas

Laterl Extent of Brackish Aquifers in TexasPolygons representing regions in Texas underlain by one or more aquifers where total dissolved solids are between 1,000 and 10,000 milligrams per liter (mg/L). This data was produced from the results of the 2003 "Brackish Groundwater Manual for Texas Regional Water Planning Groups" report by LBG-Guyton Associates for the Texas Water Development Board. More information is available in the metadata included with the files.

Custom projected coordinate system

TWDB-GAM custom coordinate system file

ESPG code 10481

Blank globe with graticulesThis custom coordinate system, which is used for BRACS studies, was developed by combining the NAD83 geographic coordinate system with a modified Albers projection. The coordinate system parameters are listed in the following text file:

Coordinate system parameters (text)

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact Kristie Laughlin (512-475-1748) or Evan Strickland (512-463-6929).

Except where noted, all of the information provided is believed to be accurate and reliable; however, TWDB assumes no responsibility for any errors. Further, TWDB assumes no responsibility for the use of the information provided. PLEASE NOTE that users of these data are responsible for checking the accuracy, completeness, currency and/or suitability of all information themselves. TWDB makes no guarantees or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, currency, or suitability of the information provided via the BRACS Database. TWDB specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claims or damages that may result from providing BRACS data or the information it contains.
