Flood Infrastructure Fund (FIF)

Flood Infrastructure Fund Committed Projects - Committed Projects: 140; Committed Amount: $699,000,000 - View Project Reporting Dashboard for details

Draft SFY 2024-25 Project Prioritization List for Flood Management Strategies

Final SFY 2024-2025 Flood Infrastructure Fund Intended Use Plan

FIF Project Priority Invitation - SFY 2024-2025

SFY 2024-2025 FIF Abridged Application

SFY 2024-2025 FIF IUP FAQ

How to Apply

The solicitation for SFY 2024-2025 FIF Abridged Applications is currently open. To be considered for the next cycle of FIF funding, submit a SFY 2024-2025 FIF Abridged Application by Monday, April 15, 2024, at 11:59pm CDT for FIF consideration. Please join the TWDB mailing list to be notified of further developments and important due dates.

The FIF Abridged Application collects the information necessary for TWDB staff to review and prioritize projects. Entities that rank within funding availability will be invited to submit full applications for financial assistance. FIF eligible projects are those found within the following draft ranked Regional Flood Plan lists:

About FIF

Passed by the Legislature and approved by Texas voters through a constitutional amendment, the FIF program provides financial assistance in the form of loans and grants for flood control, flood mitigation, and drainage projects. The Flood Intended Use Plan (Flood IUP) details the structure of each funding cycle.

In addition to its administration of the FIF, the TWDB is working collaboratively with the Texas General Land Office (GLO) and Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) to assist communities in determining which of the available funding sources for flood-related projects is the best fit for them. The Flood Information Clearinghouse Committee (FLICC) represents an ongoing multi-agency effort to maximize the effective utilization of public funding resources and help communities identify the source they would like to pursue.

Frequently Asked Questions

What activities are eligible for FIF assistance?
What activities are eligible for FIF assistance?

The FIF program allows for a wide range of flood projects. Only Flood Management Evaluations (FME), Flood Mitigation Projects (FMP), and Flood Management Strategies (FMS) recommended in an amended regional flood plan approved by the TWDB are eligible for financial assistance. Upon adoption of the first state flood plan in 2024, only FMEs, FMPs, and FMSs recommended in the Board-adopted state flood plan will be eligible for financial assistance. Eligible project examples include, but are not limited to, the following:

Planning Phase Activities

  • Preliminary engineering
  • Project design
  • Feasibility assessments
  • Coordination and development of regional projects
  • Obtaining regulatory approvals
  • Hydraulic and hydrologic studies

Construction/Rehabilitation Phase Activities

  • Drainage infrastructure (e.g., channels, ditches, ponds, pipes, etc.)
  • Flood control infrastructure
  • Flood mitigation infrastructure
  • Retention basins
  • Detention ponds
  • Sustainable infrastructure
  • Nonstructural flood mitigation
  • Development of or amendments to flood related codes
  • Permeable pavement
  • Erosion control
  • Levees
  • Pump stations
  • Rehabilitation of existing infrastructure taking into consideration methods of improved resiliency (not including costs associated with current or future operations and maintenance activities)
  • Property acquisitions determined to be the best solution for highest-risk properties
  • Restoration of riparian corridors, floodplains, coastal areas, and wetlands
  • Natural erosion and runoff control
  • Reasonable number of improvements to ancillary systems directly related to the project as determined by TWDB

Nature-Based Solution Activities

  • Green stormwater infrastructure
  • Stormwater parks
  • Living shorelines
  • Protection and restoration of riparian corridors, floodplains, coastal area, wetlands

Other Eligible Activities

The assistance is also able to support activities that may not traditionally be thought of as flood projects. These include:

  • Warning systems
  • Stream gages
  • Educational campaigns
  • Crossing barriers
  • Who is eligible to receive FIF assistance?
    Who is eligible to receive FIF assistance?

    Political subdivisions may apply for financial assistance for flood projects. Specifically, eligible political subdivisions are cities, counties, and any district or authority created under Article III, Section 52 or Article XVI, Section 59 of the Texas Constitution.

    Other political subdivisions and nonprofit water supply corporations operating under Chapter 67 of the Texas Water Code are only eligible to apply for financial assistance for the Flood Management Evaluation (FME) Category (formerly Category 1).

    What type of assistance is available?
    What type of assistance is available?

    The FIF program provides opportunities for loans with an interest rate of 0% and grants, with the methodology for determining the eligible grant amount based on the category in which the project falls.

    How does the application and selection process work?
    How does the application and selection process work?

    The FIF application is a two-step process: Abridged Applications provide the TWDB with information needed to prioritize projects according to criteria described in further detail in the most recently approved Flood Infrastructure Fund IUP.

    Applicants whose projects rank within the program's available capacity are invited to submit full financial assistance applications, which provide more detailed financial, legal, engineering, and other information. Once the technical review process has been completed, the project is presented to the Board for funding consideration.

    How may I determine if other sources of flood mitigation financing are available?
    How may I determine if other sources of flood mitigation financing are available?

    Information from a submitted abridged application will be shared with the Flood Information Clearinghouse Committee (FLICC), a new cooperative effort between the TWDB, General Land Office, Texas Division of Emergency Management, and other state and federal agencies that administer flood mitigation financial assistance programs. After review by the FLICC, the applicant may be advised of other available source(s) of funding.

    Where can I get more information?
    Where can I get more information?

    To provide you with a single point of contact at the TWDB, our project implementation staff is organized into seven regional project implementation teams. Each team is led by a manager that serves as the primary point of contact for both our existing and future customers. For assistance with the application or any questions related to your project, please look up contact information for your Regional Team.

    Water Use Survey response for the previous three years must be on file for the applicant (31 TAC ยง358.5). Applicants that are wholesalers only are exempt from this requirement. Your survey response status is available here. To complete missing water use surveys, please visit the Water Use Survey webpage.

    Additional Resources

    March 18 Flood Infrastructure Fund webinar

    SFY 2020 FIF Cycle Documents

    TWDB FIF-Related Guidance Materials

    U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) Data

    Flood-Related Federal Funding Transparency Report