Total Funding Commitments
Texas Water Development Board Funding Commitments
Financial Assistance Project Details
Funding Committments Since Inception 1957
The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) has been managing financial assistance programs for almost 60 years. From the first loan to build the White River Reservoir in 1958 to the most recent State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT) commitments, the TWDB has been a leader in financing water and wastewater projects throughout the state.
The TWDB's financial assistance programs provide the citizens of Texas with low-cost financial assistance for water-related infrastructure. Projects have spanned the state, from El Paso to Beaumont and Dalhart to Brownsville, providing financing for communities of all sizes to meet their water needs and regulatory requirements with long-term solutions.
As of November 30, 2024, the TWDB has made 6,114 financial commitments for a total of approximately $39.5 billion since the agency's inception in 1957. Specific project details are available on the Financial Assistance Project Details interactive dashboard.
- CWSRF: Clean Water State Revolving Fund
- DWSRF: Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
- EDAP: Economically Distressed Areas Program
- STATE: Texas Water Development Board, State Participation, Agricultural Water Conservation & Rural Water Assistance Fund
- SWIFT: State Water Implementation Fund for Texas