Reset Your Okta Password

This help topic describes how to reset your Okta password.

  1. Go to TWDB Application Portal
  2. Click the Need help signing in? link below the Sign In button to access additional help options.
  3. Click the Forgot Password? link to display the Okta Reset Password page.
  4. Enter your Okta username and click Reset via Email. If you have added a Forgot Password Text Message phone number to your Okta account, you can use the Reset via SMS workflow.
  5. Go to your email inbox. You should see a message entitled, “Texas Water Development Board Application Portal – Okta Password Reset Requested.”
  6. Click the Reset Password link in the body of the email.
  7. The Answer Forgotten Password Challenge page displays:
  8. Enter the answer to your Forgotten Password Question and click Reset Password. If you do not know the answer, please request help.
  9. The Reset your Okta password page displays. Enter your new password, then confirm it by entering the same password in the Repeat password field. Click Reset Password.
  10. Your password will be reset and the TWDB Application Portal will display.

Reset your Okta password using SMS

  1. To reset your password using SMS, select the option Reset via SMS.
  2. A text message will be sent to your Forgot Password Text Message number.
  3. Enter the six-digit verification code from the text message and click Verify.
  4. The Answer Forgotten Password Challenge page displays.
  5. Enter the answer to your Forgotten Password Question and click Reset Password. If you do not know the answer, please request help.
  6. The Reset your Okta password page displays. Enter your new password, then confirm it by entering the same password in the Repeat password field. Click Reset Password.
  7. Your password will be reset and the TWDB Application Portal will display.