Upper Guadalupe River Authority’s (UGRA) EduScape


  • Category: Educational/Government
  • Organization Location: Kerrville, Texas
  • Activity: An educational landscape featuring water-conserving plants and the collection of rainwater, air-conditioner condensate, and stormwater.


The Upper Guadalupe River Authority’s (UGRA) EduScape is located in Kerrville, Texas. The EduScape consists of 33,000 square-feet of water-conserving landscaping which was converted from a traditional, high-water-use turf-grass monoculture. Beyond the landscaping, the EduScape project is complete with interpretive signs, rooftop rainwater collection, air-conditioner condensate collection and managed stormwater collection/retention. Rainwater and condensate are stored in a 30,000-gallon rainwater collection tank, a 3,000-gallon condensate collection tank, and a 50-gallon rain barrel. The landscape presents 15 water-saving features, in addition to 30 interpretative and water conservation tip signs. A quarter-mile walking trail meanders among several different plant zones highlighting a simulated Hill County spring feature, terracing, rain gardens, and a dry creek bed. In addition, the pervious walkway takes visitors past numerous installations of native, adaptive, and faux plants – many of which are identified with labels.

2018 winners: