Report 361 Conference Proceedings 100 Years of Rule of Capture: From East to Groundwater Management

The 8 Conference Proceedings chapters contained in TWDB Report 361 cover the Rule of Capture Conference held June 15, 2004 and are provided here in Adobe Acrobat pdf format as separate files. Note that there is no single composite pdf file as it would be too large.

Authorization for use or reproduction of any original material contained in this publication, i.e., not obtained from other sources, is freely granted. The Board would appreciate acknowledgment. The use of brand names in this publication does not indicate an endorsement by the Texas Water Development Board.

Note that these pdfs have been designed for online viewing. To order a hard copy of this 174-page report, please call TNRIS desk (512) 463-8337.

The index below is linked to a pdf file for each chapter. Hover your mouse over a chapter name, and click a link of interest. To download files, right click a link and choose Save Target As...

For other reports, see also: Groundwater Reports, or TWDB Publications