Report 350 by Cindy Ridgeway and Harald Petrini | November 1999
- Report 350 - Changes in Groundwater Conditions in the Edwards and Trinity Aquifers, 1987-1997, for Portions of Bastrop, Bell, Burnet, Lee, Milam, Travis and Williamson Counties, Texas (pdf - 1.01MB)
- Figure 1 - Location of Study Area
- Figure 2 - Graphs of total monthly precipitation values and the respective rain gage locations in the study area
- Figure 3 - Water-level hydrographs for selected wells completed in the Edwards aquifer
- Figure 4 - Potentiometric surface map for the Edwards aquifer from data collected 1997-1998
- Figure 5 - Water-level changes in the Edwards aquifer based on data collected 1987-1988 and data collected 1997-1998
- Figure 6 - Water-level hydrographs for selected wells completed in the Trinity Group aquifer
- Figure 7 - Potentiometric surface map for the Trinity Group aquifer from data collected 1997-1998
- Figure 8 - Water-level changes in the Trinity Group aquifer based on data collected 1987-1988 and data collected 1997-1998
- Figure 9 - Water quality from samples collected in 1997 from the Edwards aquifer
- Figure 10 - Water quality from samples collected in 1997 from the Trinity Group aquifer
- Table 1 - Historical and projected population figures for the study area, based on 1990 census data
- Table 2 - Historical water use for the study area
- Table 3 - Historical groundwater pumpage in Williamson County
- Table 4 - Projected water demands by source type for study area
- Table 5 - Projected water demands by source type for Williamson County