Report 307 by Celeste McLaurin, Geologist, August 1988
Note: missing pages in the above report are figures, which are included separately below.
Figures (all jpegs and all except 4 and 5 are in color)
- Report 307 - Occurrence, Availability, and Chemical Quality of Ground Water in the Blossom Sand Aquifer
- Figure 2 Geologic Outcrop Map
- Figure 3 Approximate Net Thickness of Sand in the Blossom Sand Formation
- Figure 4 Geologic Section A-A'
- Figure 5 Geologic Sections B-B', C-C', and D-D'
- Figure 6 Approximate Altitude of and depth to the Top of the Blossom Sand Formation
- Figure 7 Approximate Altitude of and depth to the Base of the Blossom Sand Formation
- Figure 8 Approximate Altitude of and depth to Water levels in Wells Completed in the Blossom Sand Aquifer, Winter of 1982-83
- Figure 9 Sulfate, Chloride, and Dissolved Solids Content in Water From Selected Wells and test Holes