Report 296 by R.W. Maclay and T.A. Small, U.S. Geological Survey | November 1986
- Report 296 - Carbonate Geology and Hydrology of the Edwards Aquifer in the San Antonio Area, Texas (pdf - 4.21MB)
- Figure 1 (pdf - 11.3MB) - Location and Extent of the Edwards Aquifer, Recharge Basins, and Data-Collection Sites
- Figure 2 (part A) (pdf - 11.6MB) - Generalized Geologic Section Across the Balcones Fault Zone
- Figure 2 (part B) (pdf - 11.0MB) - Generalized Geologic Section Across the Balcones Fault Zone
- Figure 3 (pdf - 10.6MB) - Location of Major Faults in the San Antonio Area
- Figure 5 (pdf - 12.1MB) - Geologic Map of the Hydrologic Basin of the Edwards Aquifer in the San Antonio Area
- Figure 8 (part A) (pdf - 10.9MB) - Regional Stratigraphic Section from the Maverick Basin to the San Marcos Platform
- Figure 8 (part B) (pdf - 10.5MB) - Regional Stratigraphic Section from the Maverick Basin to the San Marcos Platform
- Figure 12 (pdf - 10.8MB) - Layered Heterogeneity of the Edwards Aquifer on the San Marcos Platform, Castle Hills Test Hole (AY-68-28-910)
- Figure 13 (pdf - 10.6MB) - Layered Heterogeneity of the Edwards Aquifer within the Maverick Basin, Uvalde Test Hole (YP-69-42-709)
- Figure 14 (pdf - 10.6MB) - Heterogeneity of the Edwards Aquifer within the Devils River Trend, Sabinal Test Hole (YP-69-37-402)
- Figure 15 (pdf - 10.6MB) - Location of Hydrogeologic Sections
- Figure 17 (pdf - 10.6MB) - Location of Hydrogeologic Barriers in the Confined Zone of the Edwards Aquifer
- Figure 20 (pdf - 10.8MB) - Estimated Transmissivities by Subareas of the Edwards Aquifer
- Figure 22 (pdf - 10.9MB) - Relation of Water Levels in Downtown San Antonio to Changes in the Annual Water Balance for the Edwards Aquifer
- Figure 23 (pdf - 10.8MB) - Regional Direction of Ground-Water Flow and Water Levels in the Edwards Aquifer in July 1974