Report 254 By Glenward R. Elder, Gail; L. Duffin, and Eulogio Rodriguez, Jr. | September 1980
- Report 254 (Report body) - Records of Wells, Water Levels, Pumpage, and Chemical Analyses of Water from the Carrizo Aquifer in the Winter Garden Area, Texas, 1970 through 1977
- Report 254 (Tabular data) - Records of Wells, Water Levels, Pumpage, and Chemical Analyses of Water from the Carrizo Aquifer in the Winter Garden Area, Texas, 1970 through 1977
- Figure 3 - Approximate Altitude of Water Levels in the Carrizo Aquifer, Spring 1976
- Figure 4 - Approximate net Change in Water levels in the Carrizo Aquifer, 1929-30 to 1976
- Figure 5 - Approximate net Change in Water levels in the Carrizo Aquifer, 1970 to 1976
- Figure 6 - Location of Selected Wells in the Winter Garden Area
- Figure 6 continued