Delta Reclamation Project


  • Category: Regional
  • Organization Location: La Villa, Texas; Hidalgo County
  • Activity: Developing a new water supply source while mitigating flooding by capturing rainwater/stormwater on a regional scale.


The Delta Reclamation Project collects rainwater/stormwater over a large area in northern Hidalgo County from hundreds of miles of drainage ditches and stores the captured water in a 100-acre detention pond. The project will provide flood control for the most populated areas of Hidalgo County and establish a treatment process to reclaim the water for municipal and irrigation use. The project is proposed to be constructed in three phases and includes an off-line stormwater detention pond and treatment facility. The project is currently piloting advanced treatment technologies, including micro-filtration and reverse-osmosis focused on treating the water to ensure its suitability for various end purposes such as drinking water. Utilizing a holistic approach to water management on a regional scale, the project reduces the reliance on traditional water sources, conserves valuable resources, minimizes the threat of flooding, promotes sustainable water management practices, and addresses water scarcity concerns in the region by providing an alternative water supply source. By showcasing the successful recapture and beneficial reuse of rainwater/stormwater, the project expects to set a precedence for sustainable practices and serve as a blueprint for other regions in the state.

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