Herbert Marcus Elementary School


  • Category: Educational
  • Organization Location: Dallas, Texas
  • Activity: Collect up to 500 gallons of rainwater to irrigate the school’s garden.


Inspired by Dallas Police Officer Glenn Delgado, who recruited help from the Dallas Police Athletic/Activities League and from Water University members at Texas A&M AgriLife Dallas, the courtyard renovation at Marcus Elementary was truly a group effort. Soon after the project launched, the school’s principal, faculty, and staff were on board, and the team secured garden project grants through the Dallas Police Youth Foundation, Neiman Marcus, Whole Foods, and ADT Home Security, plus a donation of materials from The Home Depot.

The new outdoor classroom includes two 250-gallon cisterns used to irrigate the demonstration garden which includes newly installed fruit trees and a native and adapted pollinator-friendly butterfly garden. Students, faculty, and their families now enjoy a water conserving landscape that reduces dependence on city supplies, mitigates storm water runoff, and educates visitors about rainwater harvesting.

2016 winners: