Carrizo-Wilcox, Queen City, and Sparta aquifers Groundwater Availability Models (GAM)

The Carrizo-Wilcox, Queen City, and Sparta aquifers groundwater availability model supersedes existing Carrizo-Wilcox Groundwater Availability Model for the southern portion of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer. However, in the central and northern areas this model is superseded by the newer Groundwater Availability Model for the central portion of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer and by the newer Groundwater Availability Model for the northern portion of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer.

This map shows the extent and location of the Queen City and Sparta Aquifers GAM.The Texas Water Development Board contracted with INTERA Inc. (teamed with the Bureau of Economic Geology, and Brandeis and Associates) to add the Queen City and Sparta aquifers as additional layers to the existing three Carrizo-Wilcox models. The project was completed and delivered in 2005.

Model Report

"Groundwater Availability Models for the Queen City and Sparta Aquifers."

"TWDB Response to Stakeholder Comments and Questions."

Model Files and Associated Data

Please see the GAM files download page for the current model files and associated data.

Aquifer data is only available as a package for the entire model area and requires GIS software for processing. Please see the GAM files download page for aquifer data.

Stakeholder Advisory Forums (SAF)

Send us an email if you would like to receive SAF notifications.

ID Date Location
Pre − SAF 3/15/2002 Austin, Texas - Stephen F. Austin Building
SAF 1 2/28/2003 Austin, Texas - J.J. Pickle Research Campus
SAF 2 6/12/2003 San Antonio, Texas - San Antonio River Authority
SAF 3 1/9/2004 College Station, Texas - Centeq Research Plaza
SAF 4 4/29/2004 Nacogdoches, Texas - City Hall
SAF 5 7/13/2004 San Antonio, Texas - San Antonio River Authority
SAF 6 7/13/2004 Austin, Texas - Stephen F. Austin Building

Other Resources

Please see the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer, Queen City Aquifer, and Sparta Aquifer pages for other reports and publications.

For model runs see the GMA 11, GMA 12, and GMA 13 pages.