Capitan Reef Complex Aquifer Groundwater Availability Model (GAM)

This map shows the extent and location of the Capitan Reef Complex Aquifer Groundwater Availability Model.The Texas Water Development Board has developed a groundwater availability model of the eastern arm of Capitan Reef Complex Aquifer. The numerical and conceptual model reports are available at the links below.

Current GAM

Numerical Model Report

"Numerical Model Report: Eastern Arm of the Capitan Reef Complex Aquifer Groundwater Availability Model"

Conceptual Model Report

"Conceptual Model Report: Capitan Reef Complex Aquifer"

The geodatabase containing the source data files are available upon request and will be provided through a web transfer.

Other Pertinent Studies

"Capitan Reef Complex Structure and Stratigraphy."

Model Files and Associated Data

Please see the GAM files download page for the current model files and associated data.

Aquifer data is only available as a package for the entire model area and requires GIS software for processing. Please see the GAM files download page for aquifer data.

Stakeholder Advisory Forums (SAF)

ID Date Location
SAF 1 10/25/2012 Fort Stockton, Texas - Pecos County Courthouse
SAF 2 05/27/2014 Fort Stockton, Texas - Pecos County Courthouse
SAF 3 03/22/2016 Fort Stockton, Texas - Pecos County Courthouse

Other Resources

Please see the Capitan Reef Complex Aquifer and the Research Projects in Support of Groundwater Models pages for other reports and publications.