Submitting Groundwater Data to the TWDB
Welcome to the Groundwater Division’s data submission page. The information provided below is in response to Texas Administrative Code Rule §356.62 , effective December 31, 2012, concerning data sharing between groundwater conservation districts and the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB).
This page provides general guidance on who can submit data, what kind of data we accept, how to submit data, what information needs to be provided, and how the data is used. Visit the Resources for Submitting Groundwater Data page for templates and guidance documents referenced on this page.
Who can submit data to the TWDB?
The TWDB collects groundwater-related information from a variety of entities across Texas. The primary source of data comes from groundwater conservation districts. However, anyone with a viable data set can submit data to the TWDB. Sources of data can include universities, municipalities, state and federal agencies, groundwater consultants, and even private citizens.
What data can be submitted?
Data accepted by the TWDB includes groundwater level measurements, springflow measurements, and water quality data for springs and wells. We also accept well updates including location (latitude and longitude), well depth, aquifer assignments, and well use or status (such as if the well has been plugged).
How do I submit data?
The TWDB currently accepts groundwater-related data in any format, but large data deliveries must be in a comma-separated values (CSV) file or an Excel spreadsheet. Data can be submitted to the TWDB by sending it to
Procedure on how to share data with the TWDB
What information do I need to provide?
Any person or entity sharing groundwater-level data with the TWDB must provide the following minimum parameters:
- TWDB-assigned state well number
- Depth to water from land surface in feet (submitted value should have the measuring point already subtracted)
- Complete date of measurement (MM/DD/YYYY)
- Instrument used to obtain measurement (steel tape, e-line, etc.)
- Note: Continuous Acoustic Technology (CAT) was added as a new method in 2021. Please use this method for measurements obtained from on-site continuous sonic (acoustic) devices.
- Any comments about the measurement (only required if they exist; for example, pumping, recently pumping, spotty tape, changed well use, etc.)
- Information on who measured the water level if it was somebody other than the cooperator, such as a public water supply corporation or consultant.
Water level submission - Excel template download
TWDB-approved water level methods
If you are interested in participating in our Automated Water Level Recorder Program, please contact Andrew Weinberg.
It is inevitable that over time something about the water level observation wells may change; a new well owner, new pump or change in well use, for example. Additionally, wells may need to be dropped from the program. If any changes to the well are observed or reported, or if a well is being dropped as an observation well, please send the updated information about the well with the water levels.
Remember that state well numbers are unique to the well, so if a well is dropped as an observation well and a new one is added, it must be assigned a different state well number, even if it is right next to the old one.
If you would like to share water quality analyses please contact Heather Dodson (512-936-0847) or Rebecca Storms (512-475-3302).
How is the data used?
Water level data are used to determine trends over time, to provide near-real-time measurements online (which can help identify drought triggers and assist with local and regional groundwater management), and to aid in the development and calibration of groundwater availability models.
The purpose of the groundwater quality sampling program is to monitor changes in quality over time and to establish an accurate baseline for groundwater quality occuring naturally in the state's aquifers.
Where can I find my data after I submit it?
All data submitted to the TWDB are visible on the TWDB Groundwater Data Viewer and on the Groundwater Database Reports page.
Water levels can be searched by Aquifer, County, State Well Number, or through an Advanced Search that allows the user to search on multiple criteria such as Owner, Groundwater Conservation District, Measuring Agency, etc.
Water quality can be searched by Aquifer, County, or State Well Number. The Groundwater Database Reports page also has a Water Quality Pivot report that displays the major cations and anions for each well along a row.
The Groundwater Data Team is always available for assistance with sharing data. Email us at