Flood Early Warning Systems (FEWS) Guidance Document

Project summary:
Flood early warning system (FEWS) can be essential for reducing loss of life during flood events. However, getting started with developing a FEWS can be challenging, particularly for smaller communities. For this project, the TWDB contracted with the University of Texas Arlington to develop a FEWS guidance document. The first objective of this project was to conduct outreach to communities around the state who have recently invested in FEWS and gain feedback on their experiences with FEWS. The second objective was to create a guidance document using this feedback and thorough research on available technical information. This guidance document is informed by Texas experiences and tailored to conditions in Texas. It provides a roadmap for Texas community leaders and others interested in establishing or updating a FEWS.
Project deliverable(s):
A guidance document for communities on how to implement flood early warning systems.
Contractor (and Principal Investigator, if appropriate):
The University of Texas at Arlington, Dr. Nick Fang
Contract amount:
Project lead:
Cody Ransone
Project timeline:
January 2021 - August 2022