2023 Regional Flood Plan

Working Documents (2020–2023)

Documents applicable to developing the 2023 Regional Flood Plans can be found at the following links. Additional documents will be posted as they become available. Dates listed on this webpage indicate the date the document was posted online, or if noted, the date the document was last updated.

Contract Documents and Guidelines

  1. The BCA tool has been updated please find the new version of the tool here: Also available in 2028 Regional Flood Plan - Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) Input Tool and Instructions: The TWDB funded and guided the development of a user-friendly benefit cost analysis (BCA) input interface in the form of a spreadsheet document. This is being provided alongside the guidelines. Summary of updates (01/26/2024)
  2. General Document Cross Reference (04/30/21)
  3. Scope of Work (04/11/2022)
  4. Exhibit C: Technical Guidelines for Regional Flood Planning (also available in Track Changes Version after Public Comments) provides technical guidelines and submittal requirements for each scope item and additional technical guidance regarding population estimates, hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, benefit-cost ratio analysis, etc. (04/30/21)
  5. Exhibit D: Data Submittal Guidelines for Regional Flood Planning provides data submittal guidelines for regional flood planning. (07/02/2021)
  6. Exhibit C Tables is an Excel worksheet that provides templates for all tables that are required to be included in the regional flood plan. This is being provided alongside this guidance document. (04/30/21)
  7. Project Details Template is an excel worksheet intended to acquire detailed project data for each flood mitigation project (FMP) recommended in the regional flood plan. This is being provided alongside the guidelines. (04/30/21)
  8. Flood Planning Geodatabase Templates: The TWDB generated template GIS geodatabases with multiple feature classes and tables for the RFPGs. Each planning group must fill the template geodatabase with relevant regional flood planning data. The template geodatabases are populated with feature classes and fields to match the specifications in Exhibit D: Data Submittal Guidelines. The geodatabase templates are being provided with the guidelines. (04/30/2021)
  9. Flood Planning Data Hub: To support the Regional Flood Planning Groups (RFPGs), the TWDB has assembled a wide array of flood-related data. The data, all of which come from publicly available sources, has been centralized into a single, easy-to-use Data Hub. (04/30/2021)
  10. Draft Floodplain Quilt: The floodplain quilt consists of multiple layers of data from various sources available throughout the state to ‘quilt’ together a single flood hazard dataset. The Quilt is only the starting point of flood hazard data for the RFPGs. RFPGs will need to review and potentially re-prioritize the quilt data as appropriate by location and incorporate additional information available in their respective regions. The draft floodplain quilt, floodplain quilt input viewer and prioritization are being provided alongside the guidelines. The first official quilt will be posted by mid-May. (04/30/2021)
  11. TWDB Contracting Documents (04/21/2021) – Guidelines for Progress Reports, Reimbursement Checklist, Subcontracting Guidelines, etc.
  12. Regional Flood Plan Amendment Process and Flowchart (02/12/2024): A one page explanation and visual flowchart of the amendment process for the Regional Flood Plans.

Administrative Documents

Monthly Newsletters


Designation of Initial Voting Members of Regional Flood Planning Groups (RFPGs)

In May 2020, the Texas Water Development Board’s Executive Administrator opened a solicitation for nominations of individuals to serve as initial regional flood planning group members to fill the 12 required voting interest categories for each of the 15 flood planning regions. More than 600 nominations were received during the nomination period.

At the October 1, 2020 Board meeting, the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) designated the initial voting members of the 15 regional flood planning groups. These planning groups will be responsible for developing Texas’ first regional flood plans by January 2023, which will culminate in the state’s first-ever state flood plan.

For information on the selection process, please see the October 1, 2020, Board item.

The TWDB Regional Flood Planning Group Meetings webpage includes meeting agendas, meeting materials, and information to access and attend scheduled RFPG meetings. All flood planning group meetings and members are subject to the Open Meetings Act and Public Information Act. Meetings will include an opportunity for public comment and will be conducted in an open and transparent manner.